- form
- In.printed document
1) to fill in (BE), fill out (esp. AE), fill up (obsol. BE) a form
2) an application; tax form
shapemanner3) to assume, take (on) a form (to assume human form)
4) an abridged, condensed; comprehensive; concise; convenient, handy; revised form
5) in a form (the book came out in abridged form; we reject fraud in any form; a fiend in human form)
grammatical element6) a bound; colloquial; combining; diminutive; free; inflectional; obsolete; plural; singular; surface; underlying; verbal form
behavior7) bad; good, proper form (it's bad form to come late to a formal reception)
condition8) bad; excellent, good, superb form
9) in (certain) form (she was in superb form today form she didn't lose a single match)
good condition10) in form (I'm not in form today)
11) off form
table giving information12) a racing form
school class(BE)
13) in a form (in the fourth form)
IIv.1) (D; tr.) to form from, out of (they formed an army out of rabble)
2) (d; tr.) to form into (to form chopped beef into patties)
* * *[fɔːm]colloquialcombiningcomprehensiveconcisecondenseddiminutiveexcellentfill up (obsol. BE) a forminflectionalobsoleterevised formsuperb formtax formunderlyingverbal formfill out (esp. AE)proper form (it's bad form to come late to a formal reception)out of (they formed an army out of rabble)take (on) a form (to assume human form)(D;tr.) to formfrom['behavior'] bad['grammatical element'] a bound['shape'] ['manner'] to assume['table giving information'] a racing forman abridgedan applicationoff form['printed document'] to fill in (BE)['good condition'] in form (I'm not in form today)['school class'] (BE) in a form (in the fourth form)in (certain) form (she was in superb form today form she didn't lose a single match)in a form (the book came out in abridged form; we reject fraud in any form; a fiend in human form)(d; tr.) to form into (to form chopped beef into patties)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.