
source of joy

1) to provide a treat

2) a treat for (their visit was a real treat for us)

3) a treat to + inf. (it was a treat to watch them dance)

paying for the food or entertainment of others

4) to stand treat

5) (misc.) it's my treat


1) ('to describe') to treat (a subject) exhaustively, painstakingly, thoroughly

2) ('to deal with') to treat badly; cruelly; fairly; unfairly

3) (d; tr.) to treat as ('to deal with') (they treated us as honored guests)

4) (D; tr.) ('to cure') to treat for; with (to treat smb. for a cold with a new drug)

5) (d; tr.) to treat like ('to deal with') (he treated him like his own brother)

6) (formal) (d; intr.) to treat of ('to deal with') (her books treat of economic problems)

7) (D; tr.) to treat to ('to provide with at one's own expense') (to treat smb. to a decent meal)

8) (d; tr.) to treat with ('to deal with') (to treat smb. with kindness)

* * *
with (to treat smb. for a cold with a new drug)
('to deal with') to treat badly
('to describe') to treat (a subject) exhaustively
(D; tr.) ('to cure') to treat for
(misc.) it's my treat
['paying for the food or entertainment of others'] to stand treat
['source of joy'] to provide a treat
(d; tr.) to treat like (he treated him like his own brother; 'to deal with')
(formal) (d; intr.) to treat of (her books treat of economic problems; 'to deal with')
a treat to + inf. (it was a treat to watch them dance)
a treat for (their visit was a real treat for us)
(d; tr.) to treat as (they treated us as honored guests; 'to deal with')
(D; tr.) to treat to (to treat smb. to a decent meal; 'to provide with at one's own expense')
(d; tr.) to treat with (to treat smb. with kindness; 'to deal with')

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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  • Treat — can refer to: * Treat (band), a Swedish band * Candy * Treats, a 1975 play by Christopher Hampton * Tahitian Treat * Special Treat * Taco Treat * Chicken Treat * Trick or treating * Round of drinks, treating others to a drink. * An acronym for… …   Wikipedia

  • treat — [triːt] verb [transitive] 1. to deal with someone or something in a particular way: • We treat all complaints very seriously. treat somebody/​something as • Proceeds from the asset transfers won t be treated as income. • Some information ought to …   Financial and business terms

  • Treat — Treat, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Treated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Treating}.] [{OE}. treten, OF. traitier, F. traiter, from L. tractare to draw violently, to handle, manage, treat, v. intens. from trahere, tractum, to draw. See {Trace}, v. t., and cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • treat — vb 1 parley, negotiate, *confer, commune, consult, advise Analogous words: *discuss, dispute, argue, debate: *consider, weigh, study: *think, reason, deliberate 2 Treat, deal, handle are comparable when they mean to have to do with a person or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • treat — ► VERB 1) behave towards or deal with in a certain way. 2) give medical care or attention to. 3) apply a process or a substance to. 4) present or discuss (a subject). 5) (treat to) provide (someone) with (food, drink, or entertainment) at one s… …   English terms dictionary

  • Treat — Treat, v. i. 1. To discourse; to handle a subject in writing or speaking; to make discussion; usually with of; as, Cicero treats of old age and of duties. [1913 Webster] And, shortly of this story for to treat. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] Now of love …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Treat — Treat, n. 1. A parley; a conference. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Bid him battle without further treat. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. An entertainment given as an expression of regard. [1913 Webster] 3. That which affords entertainment; a gratification; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • treat — [trēt] vi. [ME treten < OFr traiter, to handle, meddle, treat < L tractare, freq. of trahere, to DRAW] 1. to discuss terms (with a person or for a settlement); negotiate 2. to deal with a subject in writing or speech; speak or write (of) 3 …   English World dictionary

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