- bid
- In.bidding of an amount
1) to enter, file, make, put in, submit a bid
2) to call for, invite bids
3) to raise one's bid
4) to consider, entertain bids
5) to recall a bid
6) an opening; sealed bid
7) the highest bid
8) a bid for, on (she made a bid on the painting)
attempt9) to make a bid
10) a desperate bid
11) a bid for (she made a bid for the nomination)
12) a bid to + inf. (he made a bid to regain his former influence)
IIv.1) (D; tr.) to bid for (she bid twenty pounds for the vase)
2) (esp. AE) (D; intr.) to bid on (to bid on a contract)
IIIv.1) (formal) (A) she bade farewell to them; or: she bade them farewell
2) (obsol.) (H) to bid smb. to do smt.
3) (obsol.) (I) to bid smb. do smt.
* * *[bɪd]entertain bidsfile. makeinvite bidsor: she bade them farewellsealed bidsubmit a bidon (she made a bid on the painting)(formal) (A) she bade farewell to them(obsol.) (H) to bid smb. to do snit.(obsol.) (I) to bid smb. do smt.['attempt'] to make a bid['bidding of an amount'] to entera desperate bidan openingthe highest bidto call forto considerto raise one's bidto recall a bida bid to + inf. (he made a bid to regain his former influence)(D; tr.) to bid for (she bid twenty pounds for the vase)a bid for (she made a bid for the nomination)(esp. AE) (D; intr.) to bid on (to bid on a contract)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.