

1) to do a thing (she did a nice thing when she offered to help; to do great things; to do the right thing)

2) a bad; difficult; easy; good; mean; nasty; nice; sensible; strange; stupid; terrible thing; the right; wrong thing

3) a thing to + inf. (it was an easy thing to do; it was the wrong thing to do)


4) to use a thing for (don't use this thing for removing paint)

facts, details

5) to get a thing out of smb. (I couldn't get a thing out of her)

6) to know a thing about (he doesn't know a thing about music); to know a thing or two ('to know quite a bit')

fact, point


7) the thing is that + clause (the thing is that I still have a great deal of work to do; the other thing is that I really don't want to go)

article of clothing

8) not to have a thing to wear (I don't have a thing to wear)

9) to put on; take off one's things

possessions, effects

10) to pack one's things


11) the first; next thing (the next thing is to submit your application)

person of a certain type

12) a pretty; poor thing (a pretty little thing; you poor thing)

thought, idea

13) to say the right thing


(used in the plural)

14) to even things up

15) to see things (as they are)

16) (misc.) all things considered ('with everything taken into account'); things don't look good; things are looking up for us; how do things stand? how are things?


17) to clear the (breakfast) things away


18) a living thing (there wasn't a living thing in sight)



19) a thing about (she has a thing about flying)


20) to do one's thing ('to do what one feels competent or motivated to do'); any old thing ('anything at all'); a sure thing ('smt. that is certain to succeed'); of all things ('most surprisingly'); to tell smb. a thing or two ('to tell smb. frankly what one thinks')

* * *
how do things stand? how are things?
take off one's things
terrible thing
the right
wrong thing
things are looking up for us
things don't look good
any old thing ('anything at all')
of all things ('most surprisingly')
a sure thing ('smt. that is certain to succeed')
to know a thing or two ('to know quite a bit')
to tell smb. a thing or two ('to tell smb. frankly what one thinks')
poor thing (a pretty little thing; you poor thing)
next thing (the next thing is to submit your application)
['matters'] (used in the plural) to even things up
['person of a certain type'] a pretty
['possessions, effects'] to pack one's things
['step'] the first
['thought, idea'] to say the right thing
['utensils'] to clear the (breakfast) things away
a bad
to put on
['misc. '] to do one's thing ('to do what one feels competent or motivated to do')
(misc.) all things considered ('with everything taken into account')
['facts, details'] to get a thing out of smb. (I couldn't get a thing out of her)
['article of clothing'] not to have a thing to wear (I don't have a thing to wear)
to see things (as they are)
['object'] to use a thing for (don't use this thing for removing paint)
to know a thing about (he doesn't know a thing about music)
a thing to + inf. (it was an easy thing to do; it was the wrong thing to do)
['deed'] ['event'] to do a thing (she did a nice thing when she offered to help; to do great things; to do the right thing)
['fear'] ['obsession'] (colloq.) a thing about (she has a thing about flying)
['fact, point'] (colloq.) the thing is that + clause (the thing is that I still have a great deal of work to do; the other thing is that I really don't want to go)
['individual'] a living thing (there wasn't a living thing in sight)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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