

1) to narrate, tell a story

2) to carry, circulate, print, run a story (all the newspapers carried the story about the fire)

3) to edit; rewrite; write a story

4) to concoct, fabricate, invent, make up a story

5) to change, revise; embellish, embroider a story

6) to cover up, hush up, kill, suppress a story

7) a boring; charming; cock-and-bull, farfetched; coherent; complicated, involved; dirty, off-color, risque (risqué); funny, humorous; gripping; implausible; improbable; juicy; likely, plausible; long; sob; true; ugly; untold story

8) a bedtime, children's, fairy; detective; ghost; hard-luck; love story

9) a breaking ('very new'); cover; exclusive; feature; front-page; human-interest story; the inside story

10) conflicting stories (they told conflicting stories to the police)

11) a shaggy dog story ('a long rambling joke with an illogical punch line')

12) a short story ('a short prose narrative')

13) the whole story (who knows the whole story of the incident?)

14) a story breaks ('becomes known'); circulates

15) a story about, of (she told charming stories about her travels; to narrate gripping stories of wartime heroism)

16) a story that + clause (have you heard the story that she intends to resign?)

background information

17) to get the (whole) story


18) the police could not make a coherent story out of his ravings; a success story ('a successful career')

storey n.
floor level

a lower; top; upper story

* * *
embroider a story
human-interest story
hush up
love story
make up a story
suppress a story
tell a story
the inside story
untold story
upper story
write a story
a success story ('a successful career')
run a story (all the newspapers carried the story about the fire)
of (she told charming storyries about her travels; to narrate gripping storyries of wartime heroism)
['background information'] to get the (whole) story
['floor level'] a lower
['misc. '] the police could not make a coherent story out of his ravings
['tale'] to narrate
a bedtime
a boring
a story about
to carry
to change
to concoct
to cover up
to edit
a shaggy dog story ('a long rambling joke with an illogical punch line')
a short story ('a short prose narrative')
a story breaks ('becomes known')
a breaking ('very new')
a story that + clause (have you heard the story that she intends to resign?)
conflicting storyries (they told conflicting storyries to the police)
the whole story (who knows the whole story of the incident?)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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