- stop short
v. (d; intr.) to stop short of (they stop shortped short of imposing new taxes)
* * *(d; intr.) to stop short of (they stop shortped short of imposing new taxes)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.
v. (d; intr.) to stop short of (they stop shortped short of imposing new taxes)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.
stop short — To come to a sudden standstill • • • Main Entry: ↑short * * * stop suddenly or abruptly * * * ˌstop ˈshort | ˌstop sb ˈshort idiom to suddenly stop, or make sb suddenly stop, doing sth • He stopped short when he heard his name. • … Useful english dictionary
stop short — Ⅰ. ► stop dead (or short) suddenly cease moving, speaking, or acting. Main Entry: ↑stop Ⅱ. ► stop short stop suddenly or abruptly. Main Entry: ↑short … English terms dictionary
stop short of — (something/doing something) to decide not to do something. I stopped short of telling him what I really felt about him … New idioms dictionary
stop short — index balk, clog, halt Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
stop short of (doing something) — 1. to decide not to do something. I stopped short of telling him what I really felt about him. 2. to almost do something, or partly do something without completing it. The punishments are quite severe but they stop short of losing your job. Usage … New idioms dictionary
stop short of (doing) something — phrase to not do something, although you almost do it I stopped short of telling him what I really thought. Thesaurus: to not act, or to not do somethingsynonym Main entry: stop … Useful english dictionary
stop short of something doing something — stop short of sth/of doing sth idiom to be unwilling to do sth because it may involve a risk, but to nearly do it • She stopped short of calling the president a liar. • The protest stopped short of a violent confrontation. Main entry: ↑stopidiom … Useful english dictionary
stop short of of doing something — stop short of sth/of doing sth idiom to be unwilling to do sth because it may involve a risk, but to nearly do it • She stopped short of calling the president a liar. • The protest stopped short of a violent confrontation. Main entry: ↑stopidiom … Useful english dictionary
stop short of something — stop short of (something/doing something) to decide not to do something. I stopped short of telling him what I really felt about him … New idioms dictionary
stop short of doing something — stop short of (something/doing something) to decide not to do something. I stopped short of telling him what I really felt about him … New idioms dictionary