- spot
- In.mark, stain
1) to leave, make a spot
2) to get out, remove a spot
3) a grease spot
mark on the skin4) a beauty spot
area, place5) a high; isolated, secluded; low spot
6) (soccer) the penalty spot
7) at a spot (let's meet at this same spot tomorrow)
place of entertainment(colloq.)
8) to hit ('visit') all the night spots
point, position9) the high; low spot (the high spot of our visit)
misc.10) on the spot ('immediately'); ('at the center of activity'); ('exposed to the worst danger'); to put smb. on the spot ('to expose smb. to danger'); a blind spot ('an area that cannot be seen') (also fig.); to have a soft/tender/ warm spot (in one's heart) for ('to have a weakness for'); to be in a tight spot ('to be in a difficult situation'); a trouble spot (that reporter has been in many trouble spots throughout the world); (BE; colloq.) a spot of bother ('a bit of trouble')
IIv.1) (d; tr.) ('to identify') to spot as (the police spotted him as a known criminal)
2) (J) ('to see') we spotted them going through the gate
* * *[spɒt]make a spotremove a spotsecluded(BE; colloq.) a spot of bother ('a bit of trouble')to be in a tight spot ('to be in a difficult situation')to put smb. on the spot ('to expose smb. to danger')to have a soft/tender/ warm spot (in one's heart) for ('to have a weakness for')a blind spot (also fig.; 'an area that cannot be seen')a trouble spot (that reporter has been in many trouble spots throughout the world)low spot (the high spot of our visit)(J) ('to see') we spotted them going through the gate(soccer) the penalty spot['area, place'] a high['mark on the skin'] a beauty spot['mark, stain'] to leave['place of entertainment'] (colloq.) to hit ('visit') all the night spots['point, position'] the higha grease spotto get out['misc. '] on the spot ('immediately')spot at a spot (let's meet at this same spot tomorrow)(d; tr.) ('to identify') to spot as (the police spotted him as a known criminal)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.