
theatrical presentation

1) to direct; do, produce, put on, stage; promote; sponsor a show

2) to catch (colloq.), see, take in a show

3) a chat (BE), talk; floor; ice; peep; Punch-and-Judy; sound-and-light; talent; TV; variety show (to sponsor a TV show)

display, exhibition

4) an air; auto (AE), motor (BE); flower; horse; ice show


5) for show ('designed to make an impression'); bad show ('very bad'); good show ('very good'); to put on a show ('to pretend'); to steal the show ('to draw the most attention'); to stop the show ('to receive a great deal of applause, attention'); a show of strength; who is running this show? ('who is in charge here?'); to get the show on the road (slang) ('to get things going')


1) (A) ('to display') show the book to me; or: show me the book

2) (d; tr.) ('to guide') to show around, over, round (esp. BE), through (she showed me through the museum)

3) (d; tr.) to show for ('to have as a result of') (what can we show for our efforts?)

4) (d; tr.) ('to guide') to show to (I showed her to her seat)

5) (J) ('to display') the photograph showed them conversing

6) (L; may have an object) ('to demonstrate') the research showed (us) that our theory was correct

7) (M) ('to demonstrate') she showed herself to be an excellent worker; history showed her to be a prophet

8) (Q; usu. has an object) ('to demonstrate') can you show me how to operate the copying machine?

9) (misc.) to show to advantage ('to show in the best light'); to show oneself in public

* * *
('to demonstrate') can you show me how to operate the copying machine?
a show of strength
history showed her to be a prophet
or: show me the book
put on
sponsor a show
take in a show
to show oneself in public
variety show ('display, exhibition'; to sponsor a TV show)
to steal the show ('to draw the most attention')
to get the show on the road ('to get things going'; slang)
to put on a show ('to pretend')
to stop the show ('to receive a great deal of applause, attention')
bad show ('very bad')
good show ('very good')
who is running this show? ('who is in charge here?')
auto (AE)
motor (BE)
round (esp. BE)
through (she showed me through the museum)
(A) ('to display') show the book to me
(J) ('to display') the photograph showed them conversing
(L; may have an object) ('to demonstrate') the research showed (us) that our theory was correct
(M) ('to demonstrate') she showed herself to be an excellent worker
(d; tr.) ('to guide') to show around
['theatrical presentation'] ['performance'] ['program'] to direct
an air
['misc. '] for show ('designed to make an impression')
(misc.) to show to advantage ('to show in the best light')
a chat (BE)
(d; tr.) ('to guide') to show to (I showed her to her seat)
to catch (colloq.)
(d; tr.) to show for (what can we show for our efforts?; 'to have as a result of)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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