- shot
- n.act of shooting
1) to fire, take a shot at (she took a shot at him)
2) a random; warning shot
3) a pistol; rifle shot
marksman4) a bad; crack, good shot
throw, kick of the ball to score points5) (esp. basketball) to make, sink; miss; take a shot (to take a shot at the basket)
6) (basketball) a dunk, stuff; foul; jump; lay-up shot
7) (tennis) a drop; passing shot
8) (ice hockey) a penalty shot
metal ball used in the shot put9) to put the shot
injection10) to give smb. a shot
11) to get a shot
12) a booster shot
critical remark13) a cheap; parting shot
14) to get; have a shot at (the boxer never got a shot at the title)
chance(colloq.) (AE)
15) a shot that + clause (it's a five to one shot that she'll find out)
misc.16) to call the shots ('to direct matters'); a shot in the arm ('a stimulus'); a shot in the dark ('a wild guess')
* * *[ʃɒt]good shotlay-up shotparting shotpassing shotrifle shotstuffwarning shota shot in the arm ('a stimulus')a shot in the dark ('a wild guess')take a shot at (she took a shot at him)have a shot at (the boxer never got a shot at the title)take a shot (to take a shot at the basket)(basketball) a dunk(ice hockey) a penalty shot(tennis) a drop['act of shooting'] to fire['attempt'] (colloq.) to get['critical remark'] a cheap['injection'] to give smb. a shot['marksman'] a bad['metal ball used in the shot put'] to put the shot['throw, kick of the ball to score points'] (esp. basketball) to makea booster shota pistola randomto get a shot['misc. '] to call the shots ('to direct matters')['chance'] (colloq.) (AE) a shot that + clause (it's a five to one shot that she'll find out)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.