

n. (tennis)

1) the serve was good; long; out

2) a serve to (a serve to the backhand)


1) (A) ('to bring') she served dinner to us; or: she served us dinner

2) (d; intr.) to serve as ('to fulfill the functions of') (his illness served as an excuse; to serve as mayor)

3) (D; intr.) to serve on ('to be a member of') (to serve on a jury)

4) (D; tr.) to serve on ('to deliver to') (to serve a summons on smb.)

5) (tennis) (D; intr.) ('to put the ball in play') to serve to (I hate to serve to her -- she always returns the ball to my backhand)

6) (D; intr.) ('to be in service') to serve under (he served directly under a general)

7) (d; tr.) to serve with ('to deliver to') (to serve smb. with a summons)

8) (E) ('to have an effect') it served to calm everyone's nerves

9) (misc.) it serves him right ('he got what he deserved')

* * *
or: she served us dinner
(A) ('to bring') she serve d dinner to us
(E) ('to have an effect') it served to calm everyone's nerves
(tennis) the serve was good
(misc.) it serves him right ('he got what he deserved')
(tennis) (D; intr.) ('to put the ball in play') to serve to (I hate to serve to her serve she always returns the ball to my backhand)
a serve to (a serve to the backhand)
(D; intr.) ('to be in service') to serve under (he served directly under a general)
(d; intr.) to serve as (his illness served as an excuse; to serve as mayor; 'to fulfill the functions of)
(D; tr.) to serve on (to serve a summons on smb.; 'to deliver to')
(D; intr.) to serve on (to serve on a jury; 'to be a member of)
(d; tr.) to serve with (to serve smb. with a summons; 'to deliver to')

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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  • Serve — Serve, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Served}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Serving}.] [OE. serven, servien, OF. & F. servir, fr. L. servire; akin to servus a servant or slave, servare to protect, preserve, observe; cf. Zend har to protect, haurva protecting. Cf.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • serve — → serf ● serf, serve adjectif (latin servus, esclave) Relatif à l état des serfs : Des hommes de condition serve. Littéraire. Qui fait preuve d une soumission complète à l égard d autrui. ● serf, serve (homonymes) adjectif (latin servus, esclave) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • serve — [sɜːv ǁ sɜːrv] verb 1. [transitive] COMMERCE to supply customers with a particular product or service or with something they need: • The firm plans to open a London office to serve clients with investments and businesses in Europe. • JAL Group… …   Financial and business terms

  • serve — [sʉrv] vt. served, serving [ME serven < OFr servir < L servire, to serve < servus, servant, slave: see SERF] 1. to work for as a servant 2. a) to do services or duties for; give service to; aid; assist; help b) to give obedience and… …   English World dictionary

  • serve — vt served, serv·ing 1: to deliver, publish, or execute (notice or process) as required by law no notice of any such request was ever served on the husband National Law Journal 2: to make legal service upon (the person named in a process): inform… …   Law dictionary

  • serve — late 12c., to render habitual obedience to, from O.Fr. servir to serve, from L. servire to serve, originally be a slave, related to servus slave, perhaps from an Etruscan word (Cf. Etruscan proper names Servi, Serve). Meaning to attend to (a… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Serve — Serve, v. i. 1. To be a servant or a slave; to be employed in labor or other business for another; to be in subjection or bondage; to render menial service. [1913 Webster] The Lord shall give thee rest . . . from the hard bondage wherein thou… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • serve — ► VERB 1) perform duties or services for. 2) be employed as a member of the armed forces. 3) spend (a period) in office, in an apprenticeship, or in prison. 4) present food or drink to. 5) attend to (a customer in a shop). 6) be of use in… …   English terms dictionary

  • serve — [v1] aid, help; supply arrange, assist, attend to, be of assistance, be of use, care for, deal, deliver, dish up*, distribute, do for, give, handle, hit, minister to, nurse, oblige, play, present, provide, provision, set out, succor, wait on,… …   New thesaurus

  • Serve — may refer to: * Serve (tennis) * Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment * Providing a non material good, as in the work of a servant * Supplying customers with food and drink, as in the work of a food server * Delivering a legal or… …   Wikipedia

  • serve up — (something) to offer something. The TV miniseries will be serving up five hour long programs. Hitchcock served up a pitch that Perez hit over the fence for a home run. Filmgoers demand realism, and Lee serves it up without flash or tricks in his… …   New idioms dictionary

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