

1) to recommend enthusiastically, highly, strongly

2) (BE) (A) she recommended a good dictionary to me; or: she recommended me a good dictionary

3) (B) she recommended a good dictionary to me

4) (D; tr.) to recommend as (she was recommended as a suitable candidate for the job)

5) (D; tr.) to recommend for (to recommend smb. for a job)

6) (G) he recommended waiting

7) (BE) (H; no passive) I recommend you to buy this book

8) (K) he recommended their investing in railroad stocks

9) (L; subj.; to) she recommended (to us) that our trip be/should be postponed

* * *
or: she recommended me a good dictionary
(BE) (A) she recommended a good dictionary to me
(BE) (H; no passive) I recommend you to buy this book
(G) he recommended waiting
(K) he recommended their investing in railroad stocks
(L; subj.; to) she recommended (to us) that our trip be/should be postponed
to recommend enthusiastically
(D; tr.) to recommend as (she was recommended as a suitable candidate for the job)
(D; tr.) to recommend for (to recommend smb. for a job)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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