- rate
- In.amount in relation to something else
1) to fix, set a rate
2) a fast; flat; high; low; moderate; slow; steady rate
3) bargain; reasonable; reduced; regular rates
4) an accident; birth; crime; death; divorce; fertility; growth; marriage; morbidity; mortality rate
5) a discount; exchange; group; inflation; interest; primary; tax rate
6) a metabolic; pulse; respiration rate
7) an annual; hourly; monthly; seasonal; weekly rate
8) at a certain rate (at a steady rate; she borrowed money at a high interest rate)
misc.9) at any rate ('in any case'); first rate ('top quality')
IIv.1) to rate high; low
2) (d; intr., tr.) ('to be ranked; to rank') to rate among (that player is rated among the very best)
3) (d; intr., tr.) ('to be ranked; to rank') to rate as (this wine rates as excellent; she is rated as one of the best tennis players in the country)
4) (d; intr.) ('to compare') to rate with (this wine rates with the very best)
5) (colloq.) (AE) (D; intr.) ('to enjoy a favored status') to rate with (she really rates with them)
6) (P; tr.) ('to rank') this restaurant is rated very highly
7) (GB) (P; tr.) ('to assess for tax purposes') their flat is rated at eight hundred pounds this year
8) (misc.) on a scale of one to ten, we would rate this restaurant eight
* * *[reɪt]fertilityhourlymonthlymorbiditymortality ratereducedregular ratesrespiration rateseasonalset a ratesteady ratetax ratewe would rate this restaurant eightweekly ratefirst rate ('top quality')(GB) (P; tr.) ('to assess for tax purposes') their flat is rated at eight hundred pounds this year(P; tr.) ('to rank') this restaurant is rated very highly(P; tr.) ('to rank') this restaurant is rated very highly(misc.) on a scale of one to ten['amount in relation to something else'] to fixa discounta fasta metabolican accidentan accidentan annualto rate high['misc. '] at any rate ('in any case')at a certain rate (at a steady rate; she borrowed money at a high interest rate)(colloq.) (AE) (D; intr.) ('to enjoy a favored status') to rate with (she really rates with them)(d; intr., tr.) ('to be ranked; to rank') to rate among (that player is rated among the very best)(d; intr., tr.) ('to be ranked; to rank') to rate as (this wine rates as excellent; she is rated as one of the best tennis players in the country)(d; intr.) ('to compare') to rate with (this wine rates with the very best)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.