- push
- In.act of pushing
1) to give smb. a push (our car was stuck and they gave us a push)
attack2) a big push
3) a push to (a push to the sea)
IIv.1)(d; intr.) ('to shove') to push against (to push against the door)
2) (d; intr.) to push for ('to urge') (to push for reform)
3) (d; intr.) to push into ('to force one's way') (to push into a crowded bus)
4) (D; tr.) ('to force to move') to push into (we pushed the stalled car into the garage)
5) (d; intr.) ('to press') to push on (to push on a handle)
6) (d; intr., tr.) to push through ('to force one's way through') (to push through a crowd; to push one's way through a crowd)
7) (d; intr.) ('to move') to push to, towards (our troops pushed towards the next village)
8) (H) ('to urge') to push smb. to do smt.
9) (N; used with an adjective) push the chair closer
10) (misc.) the army was pushed to the breaking point
* * *[pʊʃ]towards (our troops pushed towards the next village)(H) ('to urge') to push smb. to do smt.(N; used with an adjective) push the chair closer(d; intr.) ('to move') to push to(misc.) the army was pushed to the breaking point['attack'] a big pusha push to (a push to the sea)['act of pushing'] to give smb. a push (our car was stuck and they gave us a push)(d;intr.) ('to shove') to push against (to push against the door)(d; intr.) to push for (to push for reform; 'to urge')(d; intr.) to push into (to push into a crowded bus; 'to force one's way')(d; intr.) ('to press') to push on (to push on a handle)(d; intr., tr.) to push through (to push through a crowd; to push one's way through a crowd; 'to force one's way through')(D; tr.) ('to force to move') to push into (we pushed the stalled car into the garage)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.