
advancement in rank

1) to put smb. in for promotion; to recommend smb. for promotion

2) to make, win one's promotion (he made his promotion to major) ('he was promoted to major')

3) a promotion from; to (a promotion to captain; a promotion to the rank of professor)

furtherance, fostering

4) health promotion


5) pre-publication promotion

6) in promotion (she is in promotion)

* * *
to recommend smb. for promotion
win one's promotion ('he was promoted to major'; he made his promotion to major)
to (a promotion to captain; a promotion to the rank of professor)
['advancement in rank'] to put smb. in for promotion
['advertising'] prepublication promotion
['furtherance, fostering'] health promotion
a promotion from
to make
in promotion (she is in promotion)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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  • promotion — [ prɔmosjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1350; bas lat. promotio, de promovere 1 ♦ Accession, nomination (d une ou plusieurs personnes) à un grade, une dignité, un emploi supérieur. ⇒ avancement. Bénéficier d une promotion. Avoir une promotion. Arroser, fêter sa… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Promotion — Sf Verleihung der Doktorwürde erw. fach. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. prōmōtio ( ōnis) Beförderung (zu Ehrenstellen) , zu l. prōmovēre vorwärts bewegen, fortschieben , zu l. movēre bewegen und l. prō . In der Bedeutung Absatzförderung… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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  • promotion — early 15c., advancement, from O.Fr. promotion (14c.), from L. promotionem, noun of action from pp. stem of promovere (see PROMOTE (Cf. promote)). Meaning advertising, publicity first recorded 1925. Promotional relating to advertising first… …   Etymology dictionary

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