- authority
- n.controlpower
1) to assume; delegate; demonstrate, show; establish; exercise, wield; invoke authority
2) to defy; deny, reject; undermine authority
3) absolute, complete, full, supreme, unquestioned; parental authority
4) authority for; over (he assumed authority for overseas operations; a commanding officer has complete authority over her personnel)
5) in authority (who was in authority?)
6) of authority (a man, woman of authority)
7) under smb.'s authority (these employees are under my authority)
legal powerauthorization8) to abuse, overstep one's authority
9) legal; ministerial; presidential; reviewing (mil.); royal authority
10) by, on smb.'s authority (by whose authority were these funds spent? she did it on her own authority)
11) the authority to + inf. (the police had the authority to conduct a search)
expertsource12) to cite, invoke an authority
13) a competent, reliable; indisputable, irrefutable, unimpeachable, unquestioned; leading, respected authority; the greatest living authority
14) an authority on (an outstanding authority on shipbuilding)
15) on authority (on good authority; on the highest authority)
* * *[ɔː'θɒrɪtɪ]indisputableinvoke an authorityinvoke authorityirrefutableleadingministerialoverstep one's authorityparental authoritypresidentialreliablerespected authorityroyal authoritythe greatest living authorityundermine authorityunimpeachableunquestionedwieldon smb. 's authority (by whose authority were these funds spent? she did it on her own authority)over (he assumed authority for overseas operations; a commanding officer has complete authority over her personnel)reviewing (mil.)['control'] ['power'] to assume['expert'] ['source'] to cite['legal power'] ['authorization'] to abusea competentabsolutebyto defyauthority forof authority (a man, woman of authority)an authority on (an outstanding authority on shipbuilding)on authority (on good authority; on the highest authority)the authority to + inf. (the police had the authority to conduct a search)under smb. 's authority (these employees are under my authority)in authority (who was in authority?)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.