- part
- In.share
1) to do one's part
viewpoint, position2) for, on one's part (for my part, I will say no more)
participation3) to take part in
4) an active part
role5) to play a part (to play the part of Hamlet)
6) to act; look the part
7) to learn, memorize, study one's part; to understudy a part
8) a bit; leading, major; speaking; walk-on part (she had a bit part in the play)
element, portion9) to spend a part of (they spent the major part of their life in England)
10) an essential; important, significant; insignificant, minor, small; large, major part
11) the (a) better ('greater'); good ('large') part (the better part of an hour)
12) a component, constituent, integral part
13) for the most part ('mostly')
14) in part ('partly'); (in great part)
component of a machine15) a defective part
16) automobile (AE), motorcar (BE); spare parts
division17) in parts (a story in five parts)
side18) to take smb.'s part (in a dispute)
19) (legal) of a part (the party of the first part)
dividing line in hair(AE; BE has parting)
20) to make a part (in one's hair)
physical organ21) the private parts
area22) a remote part (in a remote part of the country)
IIv.1) (D; intr.) to part as (to part as friends)
2) (d; intr., tr.) to part from (the children were parted from their parents)
3) (d; intr.) to part with (she hates to part with her money)
* * *[pɑːt]insignificantintegral partleadinglook the partsmallspare partsstudy one's partto understudy a partmotorcar (BE)on one's part (for my part, I will say no more)walk-on part (she had a bit part in the play)good ('large') part (the better part of an hour)['component of a machine'] a defective part['participation'] to take part in['physical organ'] the private parts['share'] to do one's part['viewpoint, position'] fora bita componentan active partan essentialto actto learn memorizethe (a) better ('greater')for the most part ('mostly')in part ('partly')automobile (AE)['division'] in parts (a story in five parts)['side'] to take smb. 's part (in a dispute)['area'] a remote part (in a remote part of the country)['dividing line in hair'] (AE; BE has parting) to make a part (in one's hair)(d; intr.) to part with (she hates to part with her money)(d; intr., tr.) to part from (the children were parted from their parents)(legal) of a part (the party of the first part)['element, portion'] to spend a part of (they spent the major part of their life in England)['role'] to play a part (to play the part of Hamlet)(D; intr.) to part as (to part as friends)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.