- pain
- In.sensation of suffering
1) to cause pain
2) to inflict pain on
3) to bear, endure, stand, take pain (she cannot stand any pain)
4) to feel, experience, suffer pain (she experienced constant pain)
5) to allay, alleviate, dull, ease, kill, relieve, soothe pain
6) (an) acute, excruciating, great, intense, maddening. piercing, severe, sharp pain
7) (a) chronic, constant. gnawing, persistent, steady; dull; intractable. stubborn; nagging; referred; shooting; slight; stabbing; sudden; throbbing pain
8) (a) back; chest; physical (he felt sharp chest pains and went to see the doctor)
9) pain appears; disappears, wears off
10) a spasm; stab; twinge of pain
11) in pain (to be in chronic pain)
penalty12) on, under, upon pain of (mass meetings were forbidden on pain of death)
bother13) (colloq.) a pain to + inf. (it's a pain to get up so early in the morning = it's a pain getting up so early in the morning)
IIv.1) to pain badly, deeply
2) (R) it pained me to watch them quarrel; it pained me that he did not keep his promise
* * *[peɪn]constantdeeplydisappearsdullease. killexcruciatinggnawingintenseintractable. stubbornit pained me that he did not keep his promisemaddening. piercingnaggingreferredseveresharp painshooting: slight: stabbingsoothe painsuddenthrobbing paintwinge of painunderwears offupon pain of ('bother'; mass meetings were forbidden on pain of death)physical (he felt sharp chest pains and went to see the doctor)take pain (she cannot stand any pain)experience. suffer pain (she experienced constant pain)(R) it pained me to watch them quarrel(a) back(a) chronic(an) acute['penalty'] on['sensation of suffering'] to cause paina spasmto allay. alleviateto bearto feelto inflict pain onto pain badlypain appears(colloq.) a pain to + inf. (it's a pain to get up so early in the morning s= it's a pain getting up so early in the morning)in pain (to be in chronic pain)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.