

1) to air, express, give, offer, pass, state, venture, voice an opinion

2) to form an opinion about (I still have not formed an opinion about the candidates)

3) to mold (public) opinion

4) to entertain, have, hold an opinion

5) (legal) (AE) to hand down an opinion (the court handed down an opinion)

6) a conflicting; considered; dissenting; frank, honest; informed; negative; opposing; personal; positive; prevailing, prevalent; strong opinion (she has strong opinions about everything)

7) a high; low opinion of (he has a high opinion of himself)

8) (an) expert; lay opinion

9) public opinion

10) a second opinion (as given by a doctor)

11) shades of opinion

12) an opinion about, on

13) the opinion that + clause (she expressed her opinion that a compromise would be reached)

14) in smb.'s opinion (in my humble opinion)

15) of an opinion (she is of the opinion that nothing will help)

* * *
hold an opinion
lay opinion
voice an opinion
low opinion of (he has a high opinion of himself)
strong opinion (she has strong opinions about everything)
(an) expert
a conflicting
a high
an opinion about
shades of opinion
to air
to entertain
to mold (public) opinion
to form an opinion about (I still have not formed an opinion about the candidates)
a second opinion (as given by a doctor)
in smb. 's opinion (in my humble opinion)
the opinion that + clause (she expressed her opinion that a compromise would be reached)
of an opinion (she is of the opinion that nothing will help)
(legal) (AE) to hand down an opinion (the court handed down an opinion)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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