- attack
- In.assault
(also fig.)
1) to carry out, make; launch, mount; lead, spearhead; press an attack
2) to provoke an attack
3) to blunt; break up, repel, repulse an attack
4) (often mil.) an all-out, concerted, full-scale; coordinated; mock; pre-emptive; sneak, surprise attack
5) (usu. mil.) an air; enemy; flank; frontal; torpedo attack
6) a bitter, blistering, savage, scathing, sharp, violent; scurrilous, vicious; unprovoked; wanton attack
7) an attack fails, fizzles out; succeeds
8) an attack against, on (our forces launched an all-out attack against the enemy; he made a blistering attack on his opponent)
9) under attack
onset of an ailment10) to have an attack (she had an attack of hiccups)
11) an acute; light, slight; recurrent; sudden attack
12) a fatal; heart attack
IIv. to attack viciously
* * *[ə'tæk]blistering. savageconcertedcoordinatedenemy flankfizzles outfrontalfull-scalemockpre-emptivepress an attackrecurrentrepelrepulse an attackscathingscurriloussucceedssudden attacksurprise attacktorpedo attackunprovokedviolentwanton attackon (our forces launched an all-out attack against the enemy; he made a blistering attack on his opponent)(often mil.) an all-out(usu. mil.) an air['assault'] (also fig.) to carry outa bittera fatalan acutean attack againstan attack failsto bluntto provoke an attackto attack viciouslyunder attack['onset of an ailment'] to have an attack (she had an attack of hiccups)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.