- movement
- n.organized effort to attain a goal
1) to launch a movement
2) to support a movement
3) to oppose; suppress a movement
4) a civil-rights; consumer; feminist, women's; labor; peace; political; radical; revolutionary; social movement
5) a movement against; for (the movement for equal pay)
division of a musical composition6) to perform a movement
military maneuver7) a pincers movement
move8) a downward; upward movement
9) jerky; rhythmic; uncoordinated movements
10) a movement towards
evacuation11) a bowel movement (to have a bowel movement)
* * *['muːvmənt]consumerpoliticalradicalrevolutionaryrhythmicsocial movementsuppress a movementuncoordinated movementsupward movementwomen'sfor (the movement for equal pay)['division of a musical composition'] to perform a movement['military maneuver'] a pincers movement['move'] a downward['organized effort to attain a goal'] to launch a movementa civil-rightsa movement againsta movement towardsjerkyto opposeto support a movement['evacuation'] a bowel movement (to have a bowel movement)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.