

1) to accomplish, perform, work a miracle

2) a miracle that + clause (it's a miracle that she was not killed)

3) by a miracle (we survived by a miracle)

4) (misc.) a miracle worker

* * *
work a miracle
(misc.) a miracle worker
to accomplish
a miracle that + clause (it's a miracle that she was not killed)
by a miracle (we survived by a miracle)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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  • MIRACLE — La notion de miracle est une notion religieuse, c’est à dire que ce n’est ni un concept philosophique ni un concept scientifique. Lorsque des philosophes ou des savants, des physiciens ou des métaphysiciens, parlent du miracle, ils traitent en… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Miracle — • In general, a wonderful thing, the word being so used in classical Latin; in a specific sense, the Latin Vulgate designates by miracula wonders of a peculiar kind, expressed more clearly in the Greek text by the terms terata, dynameis, semeia,… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • miracle — Miracle. s. m. Effet de la puissance divine contre l ordre de la nature. La resurrection du Lazare est un des grands miracles de nostre Seigneur. miracle averé. ce miracle s est fait à la veuë de toute la ville. Miracle, Se dit aussi par… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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  • Miracle — Mir a*cle, n. [F., fr. L. miraculum, fr. mirari to wonder. See {Marvel}, and cf. {Mirror}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A wonder or wonderful thing. [1913 Webster] That miracle and queen of genus. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically: An event or effect… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • miracle — (n.) mid 12c., a wondrous work of God, from O.Fr. miracle (11c.) miracle, story of a miracle, miracle play, from L. miraculum object of wonder (in Church Latin, marvelous event caused by God ), from mirari to wonder at, marvel, be astonished,… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • miracle — Miracle, m. penac. Est un cas, lequel advenu ravit en admiration ceux qui le voyent ou en oyent le recit, pour en estre la cause du tout, et purement divine, et non des naturelles. Ainsi dit on, Jesus Christ, les Saints et Sainctes avoir fait de… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • miracle — [mir′ə kəl] n. [OFr < L miraculum, a strange thing, in LL(Ec), miracle < mirari, to wonder at < mirus, wonderful < IE base * (s)mei , to SMILE] 1. an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence… …   English World dictionary

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