- man
- n.
1) an average; fat; grown; handsome; middle-aged; old; short; tall; thin; ugly; wise; young man
2) Cro-Magnon; Heidelberg; Java; Neanderthal; Paleolithic; Peking; Piltdown man
3) a divorced; family; married; single man
4) a con, confidence; fancy (esp. BE); hatchet; hit (esp. AE); idea; ladies'; marked; organization; party (pol.); professional; Renaissance; right-hand; self-made; straight; straw man; yes-man
5) an anchorman; businessman; leading man; liftman (BE); maintenance man; newspaperman; rewrite; stunt man; weatherman
6) a moving (AE), removal (BE) man
7) a second-story man (AE; CE has cat burglar)
8) (pol.) (AE) an advance man
9) enlisted men (AE; BE has other ranks)
10) a university man (BE; AE has college graduate)
11) a lollipop man (BE; AE has crossing guard)
12) a best man (at a wedding)
13) the common man, the man in the street
14) a man on horse-hack ('a potential dictator')
15) to a man ('everyone')
16) (misc.) he's a man of his word; man is mortal; (esp. BE) every man jack ('every man'); a dirty old man (pejor.) ('an immoral man'); a medicine man; the man of the year; a man of letters; a man of action; a man of the world
* * *[mæn]HeidelbergJavaNeanderthalPaleolithicPekingPiltdown manRenaissancea medicine mana man of actiona man of lettersa man of the worldbusinessmangrownhandsomehatchetladies'leading manmaintenance manmarkedmiddle-agednewspapermanoldprofessionalremoval (BE) manrewriteright-handself-madesingle manstraw manstunt manthe man in the streetthe man of the yearthinuglyweathermanyes-manyoung manman is mortala dirty old man ('an immoral man'; pejor.)(esp. BE) every man jack ('every man')liftman (BE)hit (esp. AE)confidence: fancy (esp. BE)party (pol.)(misc.) he's a man of his word(pol.) (AE) an advance manCro-Magnona cona divorced: familyan anchormanan averagethe common mana man on horseback ('a potential dictator')to a man ('everyone')a moving (AE)enlisted men (AE; BE has other ranks)a second-story man (AE; CE has cat burglar)a university man (BE; AE has college graduate)a lollipop man (BE; AE has crossing guard)a best man (at a wedding)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.