- line
- n.long, thin mark
1) to draw a line
2) a broken; contour; crooked; curved; dotted; fine, thin; heavy, thick; horizontal; parallel; perpendicular; solid, unbroken; straight; vertical; wavy line
3) to form a line
4) to buck ('push into') a line
5) to get into line; to wait in line
6) a checkout; chow line
row7) to form a line
8) a picket; police; receiving line
row of characters9) to indent; insert a line
10) (fig.) to read between the lines
textunit of text11) to deliver a line
12) to go over, rehearse one's lines (the actors had to rehearse their lines several times)
13) to fluff one's lines
14) a dull; witty line (there isn't a dull line in the whole play)
route15) to introduce a (new) line
16) to discontinue a line
17) a feeder; main line
18) a bus; commuter; high-speed; steamship; streetcar (AE), tram (BE) line
19) supply lines (to cut enemy supply lines)
path20) to follow a line (to follow a line of reasoning; to follow the line of least resistance)
telephone connection21) to get a line; to give smb. a line
22) the line is busy (AE), engaged (BE)
23) an outside; party ('shared') line
24) a hot line (the hot line between Washington and Moscow; a hot line for missing children)
note25) to drop smb. a line
information26) to get a line on smb.
type of merchandise27) to carry; handle; introduce a line
28) to discontinue, drop a line
29) a complete, full line
policy30) to adhere to, follow, hew to, pursue, take a line
31) a firm, hard; official; party line (to hew to the official line)
flattering talk(colloq.)
32) to give, hand smb. a line
wirepipeconduit33) a fuel; oil; sewage; steam; telegraph; telephone line
34) high-voltage; power lines (the power lines are down)
boundary35) a city; county; snow; squall; state; township; tree line
36) (sports) a base; end; foul; goal; service line; sideline
37) at, on a line (at the goal line; on the base line; on the sidelines)
established position along a frontboundary(mil.)
38) to hold a line
39) a battle; cease-fire; firing; front line
40) (the) enemy lines (behind enemy lines)
41) at, on a line (on the cease-fire line)
conveyor belt42) an assembly, production line (to work on an assembly line)
occupationfield of interest43) what line are you in?
contour44) the lines of a ship
limit45) to hold the line (on prices)
46) to draw the line ('to set a limit')
turnorder47) in line for (she is next in line for promotion)
alignment48) in line; out of line (the wheels are out of line)
conformity49) to toe the line
50) to bring smb. into line; to keep smb. in line
51) to get into line; to get out of line
52) in line with (in line with your stated policy)
cord, device for catching fish53) to cast a line
54) to reel in; reel out a line
55) a fishing line
rope56) to throw a line to smb. (who is in the water)
57) a plumb line
division58) to cross a line
59) a color line (to cross the color line)
tendency60) along, on certain lines (along modem lines)
dynasty61) to establish, found a line
62) an unbroken line
distinction63) a fine, nebulous, thin line between
misc.64) the bottom line ('the final result'); to be on the firing line ('to be at the center of activity'); to sign on the dotted line ('to sign an agreement'); a credit line ('amount of credit allowed'); to walk a straight line; to put smt. on the line ('to risk smt.'); to lay it on the line ('to speak candidly'); on line ('in operation'); in (the) line of duty
* * *[laɪn]chow linecontourcrookedcurveddotteddrop a linefull linehand smb. a lineheavyhew tohigh-speedhorizontalinsert a lineintroduce a linemain linepursuereceiving linesteamshiptake a linetelephone linetelephone linethinto give smb. a lineto wait in linetram (BE) lineunbrokenverticalwavy linestreetcar (AE)engaged (BE)rehearse one's lines (the actors had to rehearse their lines several times)power lines (the power lines are down)witty line (there isn't a dull line in the whole play)party line (to hew to the official line)(fig.) to read between the lines['flattering talk'] (colloq.) to give['information'] to get a line on smb.['long, thin mark'] to draw a line['note'] to drop smb. a line['policy'] to adhere to['queue'] (AE) to form a line['route'] to introduce a (new) line['row of characters'] to indent['telephone connection'] to get a line['text'] ['unit of text'] to deliver a line['type of merchandise'] to carry['wire'] ['pipe'] ['conduit'] a fuela brokena busa checkouta completea dulla feedera firma picketan outsidehigh-voltageto buck ('push into') a lineto discontinueto discontinue a lineto fluff one's linesto get into lineto go overthe line is busy (AE)a hot line (the hot line between Washington and Moscow; a hot line for missing children)supply lines (to cut enemy supply lines)['path'] to follow a line (to follow a line of reasoning; to follow the line of least resistance)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.