
statute, regulation

1) to administer, apply, enforce a law

2) to adopt, enact, pass; draft; promulgate a law

3) to obey, observe a law

4) to interpret a law (courts interpret laws)

5) to annul, repeal, revoke a law; to declare a law unconstitutional (US)

6) to break, flout, violate a law

7) to challenge, test; cite; strike down a law (in the courts)

8) a fair, just; stringent; unfair law

9) a blue (US); dietary; ex post facto; lemon (US); shield (US); sunset (US); sunshine (US); sus (GB); unwritten; zoning law; the licensing laws (GB)

10) a law against (there is no law against fishing)

11) a law that + clause (there is a law that all income must be reported)

body of statutes, regulations

12) to administer, apply, enforce the law

13) to obey the law

14) to interpret the law (courts interpret the law)

15) to break; flout the law

16) administrative; antitrust; business; commercial; canon; case; civil; common; constitutional; copyright; corporate; criminal; environmental; family, marriage; feudal; immigration; international; Islamic; labor; lynch; maritime; military; Mosaic; natural; occupation; parliamentary; patent; private; public; Roman; statutory; substantive law

17) the supreme law (of the land)

18) according to the law

19) against the law (it is against the law to smoke in an elevator)

lawyer's profession

20) to practice law

21) to study law


22) Mendel's; Newton's; periodic law

23) the law of diminishing returns; the law of gravity; the law of motion; the law of supply and demand; (also fig.) the law of the jungle


24) to take the law into one's own hands; to lay down the law; in the eyes of the law; an attorney at law (AE); everyone is equal under the law; the letter of the law; the spirit of the law; a higher ('divine') law

* * *
enforce a law
enforce the law
ex post facto
flout the law
observe a law
promulgate a law
revoke a law
substantive law
unfair law
violate a law
zoning law
sus (GB)
the licensing laws (GB)
lemon (US)
shield (US)
sunset (US)
to declare a law unconstitutional (US)
strike down a law (in the courts)
['jurisprudence'] ('lawyer's profession') to practice law
['principle'] Mendel's
['statute, regulation'] to administer
a fair
according to the law
to adopt
to annul
to break
to challenge
to obey
to obey the law
to study law
a blue (US)
to interpret the law (courts interpret the law)
to interpret a law (courts interpret laws)
against the law (it is against the law to smoke in an elevator)
the supreme law (of the land)
a law that + clause (there is a law that all income must be reported)
a law against (there is no law against fishing)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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