- land
- In.soilground
1) to clear land (to clear land of trees and brush)
2) to cultivate; irrigate; redistribute land
3) arable; barren; fertile; grazing; marginal land
4) private; public land
5) a plot of land
solid surface of the earth6) to raise, sight land (from a ship)
7) to reach land
8) dry land
9) a body of land
10) by land (to travel by land)
11) on (the) land
rural area12) to go back to the land
countrydomain13) one's native land
14) a promised land (we were in the promised land)
area15) no man's land (in no man's land)
misc.16) the Holy Land
IIv. (colloq.) (O) ('to punch') she landed him one in the eye
* * *[lænd]barrenfertilegrazingirrigatemarginal landpublic landredistribute landsight land (from a ship)(colloq.) (0) ('to punch') she landed him one in the eye['country'] ['domain'] one's native land['misc. '] the Holy Land['rural area'] to go back to the land['solid surface of the earth'] to raisea body of landa body of landa plot of landarabledry landon (the) landto cultivateto reach land['area'] no man's land (in no man's land)['soil'] ['ground'] to clear land (to clear land of trees and brush)by land (to travel by land)a promised land (we were in the promised land)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.