

1) to crack, tell a joke

2) to ad-lib a joke

3) to play a joke on

4) to carry a joke too far

5) to take a joke (he can't take a joke)

6) to make a joke of smt.

7) a clean; coarse, crude; dirty, obscene, off-color, smutty; old, stale; practical; sick joke

8) the butt, object of a joke

9) a joke about

10) (colloq.) no joke to + inf. (it's no joke to oppose smb. like her = it's no joke opposing smb. like her)

11) (misc.) as a joke; to turn smt. into a joke; the joke was on me


v. (D; intr.) to joke about; with (I was jokeing with her about her latest escapade)

* * *
object of a joke
sick joke
tell a joke
the joke was on me
to turn smt. into a joke
with (I was jokeing with her about her latest escapade)
(D; intr.) to jokeabout
(misc.) as a joke
a clean
a joke about
the butt
to ad-lib a joke
to carry a joke too far
to crack
to make a joke of smt.
to play a joke on
to take a joke (he can't take a joke)
(colloq.) no joke to + int. (it's no joke to oppose smb. like her = it's no joke opposing smb. like her)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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