- jam
- In.food made by boiling fruit with sugar
1) to spread jam (on bread)
2) apricot; grape; peach; plum; red raspberry; strawberry jam
IIn.blockage1) a log; traffic jam
difficult situation2) (to be) in a jam
IIIv.1) to jam full
2) (D; tr.) to jam in (she jam med her fingers in the door; or: she got her fingers jammed in the door)
3) (d; intr., tr.) to jam into (they all tried to jam into the small room; he jammed everything into one suitcase)
4) (d; tr.) to jam on (he jammed a hat on his head)
5) (D; tr.) to jam with (the street was jammed with traffic)
6) (N; used with an adjective) to jam smt. full
* * *[dʒæm]grapepeach: plumred raspberrystrawberry jamtraffic jam(N; used with an adjective) to jam smt. full['blockage'] a log['difficult situation'] (to be) in a jamapricotto jamfull(d; tr.) to jam on (he jammed a hat on his head)['food made by boiling fruit with sugar'] to spread jam (on bread)(D;tr.) to jamin (she jammed her fingers in the door; or: she got her fingers jammed in the door)(D; tr.) to jam with (the street was jammed with traffic)(d; intr. . tr.) to jam into (they all tried to jam into the small room; he jammed everything into one suitcase)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.