

1) to exert influence on

2) to use one's influence

3) to wield influence

4) to bring influence to bear

5) to flaunt one's influence

6) (colloq.) to peddle influence

7) to consolidate, strengthen one's influence

8) to counteract, curb, neutralize smb.'s influence

9) (a) bad, baleful, baneful; far-reaching; good; leavening, moderating; negative; pernicious; positive; powerful, profound, strong; salutary; undue; unwholesome influence

10) cultural; moral influence

11) an influence for (an influence for good)

12) the influence to + inf. (they have enough influence to get the bill passed)

13) under smb.'s influence; under the influence of (to come under smb.'s influence; to drive under the influence of alcohol)

14) (misc.) outside influences; a sphere of influence; an influence peddler


1) to influence deeply, profoundly, strongly

2) (D; tr.) to influence in

3) (H) who influenced her to do that?

* * *
a sphere of influence
an influence peddler
moral influence
neutralize smb. 's influence
profoundly. strongly
strengthen one's influence
unwholesome influence
under the influence of (to come under smb. 's influence; to drive under the influence of alcohol)
(D; tr.) to influence in
(H) who influenced her to do that?
(a) bad
(colloq.) to peddle influence
(misc.) outside influences
to bring influence to bear
to consolidate
to counteract
to exert influence on
to flaunt one's influence
to use one'sinfluence
to wield influence
to influence deeply
under smb. 's influence
an influence for (an influence for good)
the influence to + inf. (they have enough influence to get the bill passed)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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