- hoopla
n. (slang) (AE)
bustle, noise, fussthe hoopla subsides
* * *(slang) (AE) ['bustle, noise, fuss'] the hoopla subsides
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.
n. (slang) (AE)
the hoopla subsides
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.
HOOPLA! — mdash; Hooray for Object Oriented Programming Languages! mdash; was a periodical published by OOPSTAD. It was one of the first publications entirely devoted to Object Oriented Programming techniques and the Smalltalk programming language. The… … Wikipedia
hoopla — 1877, hoop la, Amer.Eng., earlier houp la, exclamation accompanying quick movement (1870), of unknown origin, perhaps borrowed from Fr. houp là upsy daisy, also a cry to dogs, horses, etc … Etymology dictionary
hoopla — [n] excitement action, activity, brouhaha, bustle, buzz*, commotion, drama, elation, emotion, excitation, feeling, fever, fireworks*, flurry, frenzy, furor, fuss, heat*, hubbub*, hullabaloo*, hysteria, passion, racket, rage, ruckus, rumpus, stir … New thesaurus
hoopla — ► NOUN 1) Brit. a game in which rings are thrown in an attempt to encircle a prize. 2) informal unnecessary fuss … English terms dictionary
hoopla — ☆ hoopla [ho͞op′lä΄, hoop′lä΄ ] n. [< ?] Informal 1. great excitement; bustle 2. showy publicity; ballyhoo … English World dictionary
hoopla — [“hupla OR “hupla] n. an outcry; a fuss or a to do. □ What’s all this hoopla about? □ There is too much hoopla in these elections … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
hoopla — hoop|la [ˈhu:pla: US ˈhu:p , ˈhup ] n [U] [Date: 1800 1900; : French; Origin: houp là, a word expressing sudden movement] 1.) especially AmE excitement about something which attracts a lot of public attention ▪ all the hoopla that surrounded the… … Dictionary of contemporary English
hoopla — Excitement (French). ► “For all the hoopla surrounding the Internet, actually finding one’s way onto the information superhighway remains surprisingly difficult.” (Business Week, July 10, 1995, p. 34) … American business jargon
hoopla — noun Etymology: French houp là, interjection Date: 1877 to do; also ballyhoo … New Collegiate Dictionary
hoopla — /hoohp lah/, n. Informal. 1. bustling excitement or activity; commotion; hullabaloo; to do. 2. sensational publicity; ballyhoo. 3. speech or writing intended to mislead or to obscure an issue. [1865 70; < F houp là! command (as to a child) to… … Universalium