

n. (colloq.)


1) a go at (let's have a go at it)


2) to make a go of it ('to get along'); always on the go


1) (d; intr.) ('to proceed') to go about (to go about one's business)

2) (d; intr.) to go across ('to cross') (to go across a river)

3) (d; intr.) to go against ('to be opposed to'); ('to be unfavorable to') (this goes against my principles; to go against the grain; the war began to go against them)

4) (d; intr.) to go beyond ('to exceed') (to go beyond the call of duty)

5) (d; intr.) ('to pass') to go by (to go by smb.'s house)

6) (d; intr.) to go by ('to follow') (to go by the rules)

7) (d; intr.) ('to be known') to go by (he used to go by another name)

8) (d; intr.) to go down ('to descend') (to go down a hill)

9) (d; intr.) ('to leave') to go for (to go for a drive; to go for a walk; to go for the doctor)

10) (d; intr.) ('to be spent') to go for (half our money goes for food) (see also 21)

11) (d; intr.) ('to be sold') to go for (the painting went for a hundred dollars)

12) (d; intr.) to go for ('to attack') (he went straight for me; to go for the jugular)

13) (d; intr.) ('to try') to go for (she went for the first prize)

14) (d; intr.) to go for ('to concern') (what he said goes for you too)

15) (colloq.) (d; intr.) to go for ('to like') (I could go for her; we could go for a drink)

16) (d; intr.) ('to move') to go from; to (to go from the ridiculous to the sublime)

17) (d; intr.) to go into ('to enter') (to go into town; to go into the army; to go into detail)

18) (d; intr.) to go off ('to leave') (to go off duty; the train went off the tracks; to go off the air)

19) (d; intr.) to go on ('to leave') (to go on a trip)

20) (colloq.) (d; intr.) to go on ('to judge by'); ('to rely on') (we must go on the assumption that he'll agree; we don't have much to go on)

21) (esp. BE) (d; intr.) to go on ('to be spent for') (half our money goes on food) (see also 10)

22) (d; intr.) to go out of ('to leave') (to go out of the house)

23) (d; intr.) to go over ('to examine') (to go over the books)

24) (d; intr.) to go through ('to be sold out in') (the dictionary went through three printings)

25) (d; intr.) ('to pass') to go through (to go through a red light; to go through a door)

26) (d; intr.) to go through ('to endure') (she went through a lot)

27) (d; intr.) to go through ('to spend, squander') (he went through his inheritance in six months)

28) (d; intr.) to go through ('to repeat') (to go through the main points again)

29) (d; intr.) to go through ('to conduct') (to go through a ceremony)

30) (d; intr.) to go through ('to examine') (to go through the books)

31) (d; intr.) ('to travel') to go to (we went to Alaska)

32) (d; intr.) ('to move') to go to (she went to the door)

33) (d; intr.) to go to ('to attend') (to go to school; to go to college)

34) (d; intr.) to go to ('to be received by') (the estate went to her; first prize went to my cousin)

35) (d; intr.) to go to ('to reach') (this road goes to town; the railway goes to the border)

36) (d; intr.) ('to move') to go towards (she went towards the exit)

37) (d; intr.) to go towards ('to be devoted to') (our contributions went towards setting up a shelter for the homeless)

38) (d; intr.) to go up ('to ascend') (to go up a hill)

39) (d; intr.) to go with ('to date'); ('to be a companion to') (Jim goes with Nancy)

40) (d; intr.) ('to combine') to go with (what verb goes with that noun?)

41) (E; usu. in progressive tenses) ('to intend, plan') we are going to see them; that just goes to show you that I'm right

42) (G) to go shopping

43) (s) to go unnoticed; everything went wrong

44) (misc.) to go abroad; to go bad ('to be corrupted'); ('to turn sour'); to go bankrupt; to go to bed; to go begging ('to be in little demand'); to go broke ('to run out of money'); (BE) to go to the country ('to hold a general election'); to go easy on smb. ('to treat smb. leniently'); to go to great expense ('to spend a great deal'); to go to extremes; to go native ('to behave like the natives'); to go overboard ('to exaggerate'); to go to pieces ('to disintegrate'); to go to press ('to be printed'); to go to sea ('to become a sailor'); to go steady (esp. AE) ('to be a boyfriend or girlfriend'); to go to trial (the case went to trial); to go to waste ('to be wasted'); to go wrong ('to be corrupted'); to go from bad to worse ('to become much worse'); she has a lot going for her ('she has many advantages')

* * *
always on the go
everything went wrong
that just goes to show you that I'm right
to go bankrupt
to go to bed
to go to extremes
she has a lot going for her ('she has many advantages')
to go steady ('to be a boyfriend or girlfriend'; esp. AE)
to go bad ('to be corrupted')
to go wrong ('to be corrupted')
to go begging ('to be in little demand')
to go to press ('to be printed')
to go to waste ('to be wasted')
to go to sea ('to become a sailor')
to go from bad to worse ('to become much worse')
to go native ('to behave like the natives')
to go to pieces ('to disintegrate')
to go overboard ('to exaggerate')
(BE) to go to the country ('to hold a general election')
to go broke ('to run out of money')
to go to great expense ('to spend a great deal')
to go easy on smb. ('to treat smb. leniently')
to go to trial (the case went to trial)
to (to go from the ridiculous to the sublime)
(E; usu. in progressive tenses) ('to intend, plan') we are going to see them
(G) to go shopping
(d; intr.) ('to move') to go from
(misc.) to go abroad
(s) to go unnoticed
(d; intr.) to go against ('to be opposed to')
(d; intr.) to go with ('to date')
['misc. '] to make a go of it ('to get along')
(colloq.) (d; intr:) to go on ('to judge by')
(colloq.) (d; intr.) to go for (I could go for her; we could go for a drink; to like')
(d; intr.) ('to be known') to go by (he used to go by another name)
(d; intr.) to go for (he went straight for me; to go for the jugular; 'to attack')
(d; intr.) to go through (he went through his inheritance in six months; 'to spend, squander')
(colloq.) ['attempt'] a go at (let's have a go at it)
(d; intr.) to go towards (our contributions went towards setting up a shelter for the homeless; 'to be devoted to')
(esp. BE) (d; intr.) to go on (see also 10; half our money goes on food; 'to be spent for')
(d; intr.) ('to be spent') to go for (see also 21; half our money goes for food)
(d; intr.) ('to try') to go for (she went for the Gist prize)
(d; intr.) to go through (she went through a lot; 'to endure')
(d; intr.) ('to move') to go to (she went to the door)
(d; intr.) ('to move') to go towards (she went towards the exit)
(d; intr.) to go through (the dictionary went through three printings; 'to be sold out in')
(d; intr.) to go to (the estate went to her; first prize went to my cousin; 'to be received by')
(d; intr.) ('to be sold') to go for (the painting went for a hundred dollars)
(d; intr.) to go to (this road goes to town; the railway goes to the border; 'to reach')
(d; intr.) ('to proceed') to go about (to go about one's business)
(d; intr.) to go across (to go across a river; 'to cross')
(d; intr.) to go beyond (to go beyond the call of duty; 'to exceed')
(d; intr.) ('to pass') to go by (to go by smb. 's house)
(d; intr.) to go by (to go by the rules; 'to follow')
(d; intr.) to go down (to go down a hill; 'to descend')
(d; intr.) ('to leave') to go for (to go for a drive; to go for a walk; to go for the doctor)
(d; intr.) to go into (to go into town; to go into the army; to go into detail; 'to enter')
(d; intr.) to go off (to go off duty; the train went off the tracks; to go off the air; 'to leave')
(d; intr.) to go on (to go on a trip; 'to leave')
(d; intr.) to go out of (to go out of the house; 'to leave')
(d; intr.) to go over (to go over the books; 'to examine')
(d; intr.) to go through (to go through a ceremony; 'to conduct')
(d; intr.) ('to pass') to go through (to go through a red light; to go through a door)
(d; intr.) to go through (to go through the books; 'to examine')
(d; intr.) to go through (to go through the main points again; "to repeat")
(d; intr.) to go to (to go to school; to go to college; 'to attend')
(d; intr.) to go up (to go up a hill; 'to ascend')
(d; intr.) ('to travel') to go to (we went to Alaska)
(d; intr.) to go for (what he said goes for you too; 'to concern')
(d; intr.) ('to combine') to go with (what verb goes with that noun?)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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