- fire
- In.destructive burning
1) to set, start a fire; to set fire to (they set fire to the barn)
2) to catch fire (the house caught fire)
3) to contain; extinguish, put out; stamp out a fire; to bring a fire under control
4) a raging, roaring fire
5) a brush; electrical; forest fire
6) a fire breaks out; burns; goes out; smoulders; spreads (the fire burned out of control for two hours)
7) on fire (the house was on fire)
burning, combustion8) to build, kindle, light, make a fire; to strike fire
9) to fuel; poke, stir; stoke a fire
10) to bank; douse, extinguish, put out a fire
11) a fire burns
12) (misc.) the fire is out; the glow of a fire
shooting13) to commence, open fire (to open fire on the enemy)
14) to exchange fire (with the enemy)
15) to call down fire on
16) to attract, draw fire
17) to cease fire (cease fire!); to hold one's fire
18) concentrated, fierce, heavy, murderous; cross; harassing; hostile; incoming; interdictory; rapid fire
19) artillery; automatic; machine-gun; rifle; semiautomatic; small-arms fire
20) under fire (also fig.)
21) (misc.) the baptism of fire
misc.22) to play with fire ('to take a risk'); to fight fire with fire ('to use extreme measures as a counterattack'); to set the Thames (BE)/the world on fire ('to be very successful')
IIv.1) to fire point-blank
2) (B) the quarterback fired a pass to an end
3) (D; intr., tr.) to fire at (he fired at me; he fired his pistol at me)
4) (D; intr., tr.) to fire into (to fire into the air; to fire into a crowd)
* * *['faɪə]bumsdousedraw fireelectricalextinguishfierceforest firegoes outharassingheavyincominginterdictorykindlemachine-gunmake a firemurderousput out a firerapid fireroaring firesemiautomaticsmall-arms firesmouldersstamp out a firestart a firestoke a firethe glow of a fireto bring a fire under controlto hold one's fireto strike fireto set the Thames (BE) /the world on fire ('to be very successful')to fight fire with fire ('to use extreme measures as a counterattack')spreads (the fire burned out of control for two hours)to set fire to (they set fire to the barn)open fire (to open fire on the enemy)(B) the quarterback fired a pass to an end(misc.) the baptism of fire(misc.) the fire is out['burning, combustion'] to build['destructive burning'] to set['shooting'] to commencea brusha raginga fire breaks outa fire burnsconcentratedto attractto bankto call down fire onto containto fuelto fire point-blank['misc. '] to play with fire ('to take a risk')under fire (also fig.)to cease fire (cease fire!)(D; intr., tr.) to fire at (he fired at me; he fired his pistol at me)to catch fire (the house caught fire)on fire (the house was on fire)(D; intr., tr.) to fire into (to fire into the air; to fire into a crowd)to exchange fire (with the enemy)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.