
organ of sight

1) to blink; close, shut; open; roll; squint one's eyes

2) to drop, lower; lift, raise one's eyes

3) to rest; strain one's eyes

4) to lay, set one's eyes on smt. ('to see smt.')

5) to keep one's eyes open, peeled (esp. AE), skinned (BE) ('to be watchful')

6) the naked eye (the meteor could be seen with the naked eye)

7) bulging; glassy eyes

8) eyes twinkle; twitch

9) a pair of eyes

10) in one's eyes (tears were in his eyes; fear could be seen in their eyes)

vision, sight

11) good, strong; weak eyes

12) an eagle eye ('keen sight')

area around the eyes

13) (also fig.) a black eye (to give smb. a black eye)

look, glance

14) to cast an eye on smt.; to run one's eye over smt.; to fix one's eye on smt.

15) to take one's eyes off (they could not take their eyes off Hannah)

16) an anxious; critical; sharp, watchful, weather; suspicious eye

17) a jaundiced eye ('an envious, hostile look')

18) (of one who flirts) bedroom ('seductive') eyes; a roving, wandering eye (he has a roving eye)

19) curious, prying; piercing eyes


20) to catch smb.'s eye

21) to open smb.'s eyes (to the truth)

22) to close, shut one's eyes (to the truth); to turn a blind eye to smt. ('to let smt. pass as if unnoticed')

23) to keep an eye on smt. ('to keep smt. under observation')

24) to keep an eye out for smt. ('to watch for smt. attentively')

25) the public eye (to be constantly in the public eye)

26) with an eye to (with an eye to public opinion)


27) a good, keen eye

28) an eye for (she has a good eye for distances)

29) to the trained eye

30) in smb.'s eyes (in the eyes of the law, he is innocent until proved guilty)


31) to open smb.'s eyes to smt.

32) an eye for (an eye for beauty; to have an eye for a good bargain)

device that detects

33) an electric eye



34) a private eye

prosthesis for an eye

35) an artificial, glass eye


36) an eye for an eye ('an equivalent retaliation'); to feast one's eyes on smt. ('to look at smt. with great pleasure'); to give smb. the eye ('to flirt with smb.') or ('to give smb. a visual signal'); to make eyes at smb. ('to look lovingly at smb.'); to see eye to eye with ('to agree with'); the mind's eye ('the visual recollection of past events'); the evil eye ('a look intended to inflict harm'); his eye fell on a bargain ('he discovered a bargain'); under the teacher's watchful eye; without batting an eye (esp. AE) ('while remaining calm'); easy on the eyes ('pretty'); more than meets the eye ('more than is seen'); to look someone in the eye ('to look at someone directly'); before one's eyes

* * *
a roving
glass eye
glassy eyes
keen eye
piercing eyes
raise one's eyes
squint one's eyes
strain one's eyes
suspicious eye
to fix one's eye on smt.
to look someone in the eye ('to look at someone directly') : before one's eyes
to run one's eye over smt.
under the teacher's watchful eye
weak eyes
the evil eye ('a look intended to inflict harm')
his eye fell on a bargain ('he discovered a bargain')
more than meets the eye ('more than is seen')
easy on the eyes ('pretty')
the mind's eye ('the visual recollection of past events')
to see eye to eye with ('to agree with')
skinned ('to be watchful'; BE)
to give smb. the eye ('to flirt with smb. ') or ('to give smb. a visual signal')
to turn a blind eye to smt. ('to let smt. pass as if unnoticed')
to feast one's eyes on smt. ('to look at smt. with great pleasure')
to make eyes at smb. ('to look lovingly at smb. ')
set one's eyes on smt. ('to see smt. ')
without batting an eye ('while remaining calm'; esp. AE)
peeled (esp. AE)
wandering eye (he has a roving eye)
shut one's eyes (to the truth)
(of one who flirts) bedroom ('seductive') eyes
['attention'] ['interest'] ['observation'] to catch smb. 's eye
['detective'] (colloq.) a private eye
['device that detects'] an electric eye
['judgment'] ['viewpoint'] a good
['look, glance'] to cast an eye on smt.
['organ of sight'] to blink
['perception'] ['appreciation'] to open smb. 's eyes to smt.
['prosthesis for an eye'] an artificial
['vision, sight'] good
a pair of eyes
an anxious
to close
to drop
to keep one's eyes open
to lay
to rest
to the trained eye
eyes twinkle
a jaundiced eye ('an envious, hostile look')
['misc. '] an eye for an eye ('an equivalent retaliation')
an eagle eye ('keen sight')
to keep an eye on smt. ('to keep smt. under observation')
to keep an eye out for smt. ('to watch for smt. attentively')
an eye for (an eye for beauty; to have an eye for a good bargain)
in smb. 's eyes (in the eyes of the law, he is innocent until proved guilty)
in one's eyes (tears were in his eyes; fear could be seen in their eyes)
the naked eye (the meteor could be seen with the naked eye)
to take one's eyes off (they could not take their eyes off Hannah)
the public eye (to be constantly in the public eye)
['area around the eyes'] (also fig.) a black eye (to give smb. a black eye)
to open smb. 's eyes (to the truth)
with an eye to (with an eye to public opinion)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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