

1) to give; pledge, swear allegiance

2) to disavow, forsake one's allegiance to

3) true, unfailing, unswerving allegiance

4) allegiance to (allegiance to a cause)

* * *
forsake one's allegiance to
swear allegiance
unswerving allegiance
to disavow
to give
allegiance to (allegiance to a cause)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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  • Allegiance — Al*le giance, n. [OE. alegeaunce; pref. a + OF. lige, liege. The meaning was influenced by L. ligare to bind, and even by lex, legis, law. See {Liege}, {Ligeance}.] 1. The tie or obligation, implied or expressed, which a subject owes to his… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • allegiance — I noun adherence, adherence to duty, attachment, bounden duty, call of duty, case of conscience, commitment, constancy, deference, devotedness, devotion, duteousness, dutifulness, faith, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, fides, homage, imperative… …   Law dictionary

  • allegiance — [ə lē′jəns] n. [ME alligeaunce, altered (after allegeaunce, a formal declaration < aleggen, ALLEGE) < OFr ligeance < lige, liege (see LIEGE); sense affected by assoc. with L ligare, to bind] 1. the duty that was owed by a vassal to his… …   English World dictionary

  • Allegiance — (engl., spr. Ällidschäns), Gehorsam, Unterthanentreue, bei geborenen Engländern als ihnen angeboren (Natural A.), bei in England lebenden Ausländern nur als vorübergehend (Local A.) angenommen. Der Eid darauf (Oath of A.) besteht in dem… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Allegiance — (engl., spr. ällīdschens), Gehorsam, Untertanentreue, daher Oath of A., der Untertaneneid, den früher jeder Brite nach Vollendung des zwölften Lebensjahres seinem Herrscher als weltlichem Oberhaupt zu leisten hatte, und der noch jetzt von… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Allegiance — (engl., Aellidschäns), Unterthanentreue, Gehorsam; der Eid darauf (oath of alleg.) kann jedem über 12 Jahre alten geborenen Unterthanen oder in England wohnenden Fremden durch das Grafschaftsgericht abgenommen werden …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • allegiance — (n.) late 14c., from Anglo Fr. legaunce loyalty of a liege man to his lord, from O.Fr. legeance, from liege (see LIEGE (Cf. liege)); erroneously associated with L. ligare to bind; corrupted in spelling by confusion with the now obsolete legal… …   Etymology dictionary

  • allegiance — fealty, loyalty, *fidelity, devotion, piety Analogous words: faithfulness, steadfastness, constancy, staunchness (see corresponding adjectives at FAITHFUL): obeisance, deference, homage, *honor: obedience (see corresponding adjective OBEDIENT):… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • allegiance — [n] loyalty adherence, ardor, consecration, constancy, dedication, deference, devotion, duty, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, homage, honor, obedience, obligation, piety; concept 689 Ant. disloyalty, enmity, sedition, treachery, treason …   New thesaurus

  • allegiance — ► NOUN ▪ loyalty of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause. ORIGIN Old French ligeance; related to LIEGE(Cf. ↑liege) …   English terms dictionary

  • Allegiance — An allegiance is a duty of fidelity said to be owed by a subject or a citizen to his/her state or sovereign.Origin of the wordMid. English ligeaunce ; med. Latin ligeantia ; the al was probably added through confusion with another legal term,… …   Wikipedia

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