- end
- In.finish
1) to put an end to smt.
2) at the end (at the end of the word)
3) by the end (by the end of the year)
4) to the end (to the bitter end)
outer part5) the opposite end
6) from end to end; from the beginning to the end
purpose7) to accomplish, achieve one's ends
misc.8) to be on the receiving end ('to be a recipient'); to make both ends meet ('to manage to get along on one's income'); to the ends of the earth ('to the most remote parts of the earth'); in the end ('finally')
IIv.1) (d; intr., tr.) to end by (he ended his remarks by quoting Lincoln)
2) (d; intr.) to end in (the word ends in a consonant; to end in a draw; to end in disaster)
3) (D; intr., tr.) to end with (we ended our meal with a nice dessert)
* * *[end]achieve one's endsfrom the beginning to the endin the end ('finally')to make both ends meet ('to manage to get along on one's income')to the ends of the earth ('to the most remote parts of the earth')['finish'] to put an end to smt.['outer part'] the opposite end['purpose'] to accomplish['purpose'] to accomplishfrom end to end['misc. '] to be on the receiving end ('to be a recipient')at the end (at the end of the word)by the end (by the end of the year)(d; intr., tr.) to end by (he ended his remarks by quoting Lincoln)(d; intr.) to end in (the word ends in a consonant; to end in a draw; to end in disaster)to the end (to the bitter end)(D; intr., tr.) to end with (we ended our meal with a nice dessert)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.