
contract, settlement, treaty

1) to come to, conclude, enter into, negotiate, reach, work out an agreement

2) to carry out an agreement

3) to break, violate; denounce an agreement

4) a binding; contractual; ironclad; legal; tacit; tentative agreement (we reached a tentative agreement)

5) an armistice; ceasefire; sales; trade agreement

6) a bilateral; executive; gentleman's agreement

7) an agreement about, on; between; with (an agreement was worked out between them on all points)

8) an agreement to + inf. (we reached an agreement with them to cooperate fully at all times)

9) an agreement that + clause (the negotiators came to an agreement that all troops would be withdrawn)

concord, harmony

10) to express; reach agreement

11) complete, full, solid; mutual; tacit agreement (they reached full agreement on all points)

12) agreement about, on

13) by agreement (by mutual agreement)

14) in agreement (we were in full agreement with them on all points)

grammatical concord

15) grammatical agreement

16) agreement in (agreement in case, gender, and number)

* * *
denounce an agreement
enter into
gentleman's agreement
trade agreement
work out an agreement
with (an agreement was worked out between them on all points)
tacit agreement (they reached full agreement on all points)
tentative agreement (we reached a tentative agreement)
['concord, harmony'] to express
['contract, settlement, treaty'] to come to
['grammatical concord'] grammatical agreement
a bilateral
a binding
an armistice
an agreement about
to break
to carry out an agreement
agreement about
by agreement (by mutual agreement)
an agreement that + clause (the negotiations came to an agreement that all troops would be withdrawn)
an agreement to + inf. (we reached an agreement with them to cooperate fully at all times)
in agreement (we were in full agreement with them on all points)
agreement in (agreement in case, gender, and number)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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