- dream
- In.image seen while sleeping
1) to have a dream
2) to interpret dreams
3) a bad; recurring; wet; wild dream
4) a dream about, of
hopegoal5) to achieve one's dreams
6) a childhood; visionary; wild dream
7) a dream comes true
8) a dream of
9) a dream to + inf. (it was his dream to become a teacher)
10) a dream that + clause (it was only a dream that he might be elected)
11) beyond one's wildest dreams
IIv.1) (D; intr.) to dream about, of
2) (L) she never dreamed that she would someday write dictionaries
* * *[driːm]ofrecurringvisionarywild dream(D; intr.) to dream about(L) she never dreamed that she would someday write dictionaries['hope'] ['goal'] to achieve one's dreams['image seen while sleeping'] to have a dreama bada childhooda dream abouta dream comes truea dream ofbeyond one's wildest dreamsto interpret dreamsa dream to + inf. (it was his dream to become a teacher)a dream that + clause (it was only a dream that he might be elected)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.