

1) (D; tr.) to console on (to console smb. on the loss of a loved one)

2) (d; refl.) to console with (I consoled myself with the thought that the situation could be worse)

* * *
(d; refl.) to console with (I consoled myself with the thought that the situation could be worse)
(D; tr.) to console on (to console smb. on the loss of a loved one)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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  • console — [ kɔ̃sɔl ] n. f. • 1565; de sole « poutre »; étym. pop. sur consoler, consolider 1 ♦ Archit. Moulure saillante en forme de volute ou de S, et qui sert de support. ⇒ corbeau . Console d une corniche, d un balcon. Construction sur consoles. ⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • console — 1. Console is pronounced with stress on the first syllable as a noun (= panel, cabinet, etc.), and on the second syllable as a verb (= ‘to comfort’). The words have different origins: the noun from Latin solidus ‘solid’ (cf. consolidate) and the… …   Modern English usage

  • Console — Con sole, n. [F.] 1. (Arch.) (a) A bracket whose projection is not more than half its height. (b) Any small bracket; also, a console table. [1913 Webster] 2. (Computers) The keyboard and monitor of a computer considered together. [GG] 3.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • console (1) — {{hw}}{{console (1)}{{/hw}}s. m.  (V.  nota d uso FEMMINILE) 1 Nella Roma antica e imperiale, ciascuno dei due supremi magistrati con potere annuale. 2 Nei comuni medievali, nome di sommi magistrati. 3 Funzionario cui uno Stato affida funzioni… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • Console — Con*sole , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Consoled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Consoling}.] [L. consolari,. p. p. consolatus; con + solari to console, comfort: cf. F. consoler. See {Solace}.] To cheer in distress or depression; to alleviate the grief and raise the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • consolé — consolé, ée (kon so lé, lée) part. passé. Un père mal consolé de la perte de son fils. •   Les larmes de lazare sont essuyées, ses afflictions consolées, MASS. Car. Riche.. •   L humanité te vit et sourit consolée, DELILLE Pitié, IV.    Par… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • console — Ⅰ. console [1] ► VERB ▪ comfort in a time of grief of disappointment. ORIGIN Latin consolari, from solari soothe . Ⅱ. console [2] ► NOUN 1) a panel or unit accommodating a set of controls …   English terms dictionary

  • console — console1 [kən sōl′] vt. consoled, consoling [Fr consoler < L consolari < com , with + solari, to comfort, SOLACE] to make feel less sad or disappointed; comfort SYN. COMFORT consolable adj. consolingly adv. console2 [kän′sōl΄] n …   English World dictionary

  • Console [1] — Console, Joseph, Stempelamtsvorsteher in Mailand, Erfinder der Consoleschen Gewehrschlösser, s. u. Schloß …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Console [2] — Console (fr., spr. Kongsohl), 1) ein verzierter Kragstein; 2) (Consolchen), ein Meubel, in Form eines kleinen, an die Mauer befestigten Tisches, gewöhnlich an Pfeilern, unter Spiegeln, Uhren, Statuetten etc. angebracht …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Console — Console, der Vorsprung an einer Mauer zum Tragen eines Simses, Erkers, Balkons, einer Büste, Tischplatte etc. Es gibt Consolen als Meubles, aus Holz, Metall etc., welche an der Mauer, besonders an Pfeilern und unter Spiegeln etc., befestigt… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

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