

1) to arouse, cause, give concern

2) to express, voice; feel; show concern

3) considerable, deep, grave, serious; growing; national; overriding; particular; primary; public concern

4) an object of concern

5) concern about, for, over, with (concern about debts; concern for the children; concern over the future)

6) (esp. BE) concern to + inf. (concern to know the truth)

7) concern that + clause (to express concern that they might fail)

8) of concern to (the matter was of deep concern to us)

9) out of concern (she did it out of concern for her family)


10) to manage a concern

11) (misc.) a going ('successful') concern


1) (d; refl.) to concern oneself about, over, with (she concerned herself with the problem of illiteracy)

2) (misc.) to whom it may concern

* * *
give concern
public concern
show concern
with (she concerned herself with the problem of illiteracy)
(d; refl.) to concern oneself about
(misc.) a going ('successful') concern
(misc.) to whom it may concern
['firm'] to manage a concern
['interest'] ['apprehension'] to arouse
an object of concern
to express
concern about
out of concern (she did it out of concern for her family)
of concern to (the matter was of ' deep concern to us)
concern that + clause (to express concern that they might fail)
(esp. BE) concern to + inf. (concern to know the truth)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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