- cigar
- n.
1) to light (up); puff on; smoke a cigar
2) a Havana cigar
* * *puff onsmoke a cigara Havana cigarto light (up)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.
1) to light (up); puff on; smoke a cigar
2) a Havana cigar
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.
Cigar — en mai 2006 au Kentucky Horse Park. Père : Palace Music Mère : Solar View … Wikipédia en Français
Cigar — Ci*gar (s[i^]*g[aum]r ), n. [Sp. cigarro, orig., a kind of tobacco in the island of Cuba: cf. F. cigare.] A small roll of tobacco, used for smoking. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cigar — (n.) 1730, from Sp. cigarro, probably from Maya sicar to smoke rolled tobacco leaves, from si c tobacco; or from or influenced by Sp. cigarra grasshopper (on resemblance of shape) … Etymology dictionary
cigar — ► NOUN ▪ a cylinder of tobacco rolled in tobacco leaves for smoking. ORIGIN French cigare, probably from a Mayan word meaning smoking … English terms dictionary
cigar — [si gär′] n. [Sp cigarro, prob. < Maya sicar, to smoke rolled tobacco leaves < sīć, tobacco] a cylindrical roll of cured tobacco for smoking, consisting of cut tobacco wrapped in a tobacco leaf … English World dictionary
Cigar — For other uses, see Cigar (disambiguation). From the Spanish cigarro cigar , which was perhaps derived from the Spanish cigarra cicada (OED) … Wikipedia
cigar — cigarless, adj. cigarlike, adj. /si gahr /, n. 1. a more or less cylindrical roll of tobacco cured for smoking, of any of various lengths, thicknesses, degrees of straightness, etc., usually wrapped in a tobacco leaf. 2. no cigar, Informal. not… … Universalium
cigar — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ fat ▪ expensive ▪ cheap ▪ lit, unlit ▪ Cuban … O … Collocations dictionary
Cigar — A small roll of tobacco leaf for smoking. The word cigar, from the Spanish cigarro, first appeared in English in 1730. In 1998, a National Cancer Institute report outlined cause and effect connections between cigar smoking and disease, including… … Medical dictionary
čígar — zaim. neskl. (ȋ) izraža lastnino posamezne moške osebe, na katero se nanaša: kmet, čigar hiša je zgorela; sosed, na čigar pomoč se zanaša // neustalj. izraža pripadnost stvarnemu ali pojmovnemu imenu moškega ali srednjega spola; katerega:… … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika