

1) to consecrate, dedicate a church

2) to attend, go to church

3) the Catholic; Christian; (Eastern) Orthodox; Protestant; Uniate church

4) the Anglican; Baptist; Christian Science; Congregational; Episcopal; Lutheran; Mennonite; Methodist; Mormon; Presbyterian; Seventh Day Adventist; Unitarian church

5) an evangelical; fundamentalist church

6) (esp. GB) an established ('official'); free ('Nonconformist') church

7) (esp. GB) The Church of England; Ireland; Scotland

8) at, in church

* * *
(Eastern) Orthodox
Christian Science
Mennonite: Methodist
Presbyterian: Seventh Day Adventist
Uniate church
Unitarian church
dedicate a church
free ('Nonconformist') church
fundamentalist church
go to. church
(esp. GB) The Church of England
an evangelical
at. in church
the Anglican
the Catholic
to attend
to consecrate
(esp. OB) an established ('official')

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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