

1) to bring, level, make a charge; to prefer, press charges

2) to concoct, cook up, fabricate, trump up a charge (they trumped up various charges against her)

3) to prove, substantiate a charge

4) to face a charge

5) to dismiss, throw out a charge (the judge dismissed all charges)

6) to drop, retract, withdraw a charge

7) to deny; refute; repudiate a charge

8) a baseless, fabricated, false, trumped-up; frivolous charge

9) a charge against smb. (to bring charges of forgery against smb.)

10) a charge that (he denied the charge that he had taken bribes)

11) on a charge of (he was arraigned on a charge of embezzlement; to be arrested on various charges)



to lead; make a charge against

13) to sound the charge

14) to fight off, repel, repulse a charge

15) a bayonet; cavalry; infantry charge


16) to set off a charge

17) a depth charge


18) to place, put smb. in charge of smt.

19) to take charge of smt.

20) to be in charge of smt.


21) in smb.'s charge (the child was in my charge)


22) to make a charge

23) to reverse, transfer (BE) (the) charges (when telephoning)

24) an exorbitant; reasonable charge

25) an admission; carrying; cover; minimum; service charge

26) a charge against, to (a charge to smb.'s account)

27) a charge for (there will be no charge for installation)

infusion of stored energy

28) to give (a battery) a charge

29) an electric; quick; slow charge



30) to give smb. a big charge

31) to get a charge out of smt.

32) an emotional charge


33) to give one's charge (the judge gave her charge to the jury)

34) a charge to (the judge's charge to the jury)


1) ('to ask in payment') to charge double

2) (D; intr.) ('to rush') to charge at (the bull charged at us)

3) (d; intr.) ('to ask payment') to charge for (they didn't charge for it)

4) (D; intr., tr.) to charge for ('to ask in payment') (they charged ten dollars for shipping our books; he charges by the hour for laying a carpet)

5) (d; intr.) ('to rush') to charge into; out of (to charge into a room)

6) (D; tr.) to charge out of ('to borrow from') (to charge a book out of a library)

7) (D; tr.) ('to impose as an obligation') to charge to (charge it to my account)

8) (D; tr.) ('to accuse') to charge with (he was charged with murder)

9) (D; tr.) ('to saturate') to charge with (the air was charged with tension)

10) (D; tr.) ('to assign') to charge with (our agency has been charged with the responsibility of gathering all pertinent information)

11) (L) ('to accuse') they charged that he had cheated them

12) (O; may be used with one object) ('to ask payment') she charged (me) fifty dollars for her services; how much did he charge? did they charge you?

* * *
cook up
frivolous charge
how much did he charge? did they charge you?
infantry charge
make a charge
make a charge against
press charges
put smb. in charge of smt.
reasonable charge
repudiate a charge
repulse a charge
service charge
slow charge
substantiate a charge
to prefer
withdraw a charge
to (a charge to smb. 's account)
throw out a charge (the judge dismissed all charges)
trump up a charge (they trumped up various charges against her)
out of (to charge into a room)
transfer (BE) (the) charges (when telephoning)
(0; may be used with one object) ('to ask payment') she charged (me) fifty dollars for her services
(L) ('to accuse') they charged that he had cheated them
(d; intr.) ('to rush') to charge into
(to ask in payment') to charge double
['accusation'] to bring
['attack'] to lead
['cost'] ['price'] to make a charge
['explosive'] to set off a charge
['infusion of stored energy'] to give (a battery) a charge
['responsibility'] to place
['thrill'] (slang) to give smb. a big charge
a baseless
a bayonet
a depth charge
a charge against
an admission
an electric
an emotional charge
an exorbitant
to be in charge of smt.
to concoct
to deny
to dismiss
to drop
to face a charge
to fight off
to get a charge out of smt.
to prove
to reverse
to sound the charge
to take charge of smt.
a charge that (he denied the charge that he had taken bribes)
on a charge of (he was arraigned on a charge of embezzlement; to be arrested on various charges)
(D; tr.) ('to accuse') to charge with (he was charged with murder)
(D; tr.) ('to assign') to charge with (our agency has been charged with the responsibility of gathering all pertinent information)
(D; tr.) ('to saturate') to charge with (the air was charged with tension)
(D; intr.) ('to rush') to charge at (the bull charged at us)
['custody'] in smb. 's charge (the child was in my charge)
['instructions'] to give one's charge (the judge gave her charge to the jury)
a charge to (the judge's charge to the jury)
a charge for (there will be no charge for installation)
(d; intr.) ('to ask payment') to charge for (they didn't charge for it)
(D; intr., tr.) to charge for (they charged ten dollars for shipping our books; he charges by the hour for laying a carpet; 'to ask in payment')
a charge against smb. (to bring charges of forgery against smb.)
(D; tr.) to charge out of (to charge a book out of a library; 'to borrow from')
(D; tr.) ('to impose as an obligation') to charge to (charge it to my account)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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