

1) to conduct, do, transact; drum up business (to do business with smb.)

2) to go into business

3) to go out of business

4) big; small business

5) a mail-order business; show business; the travel business

6) retail; wholesale business

7) (AE) a land-office ('brisk') business (to do a land-office business in real estate)

8) business drops off; picks up

9) business is brisk, booming, flourishing, thriving; slack; business is at a standstill

10) in business (to be in business for oneself)

11) on business (to travel on business)


12) to build up; establish; launch a business

13) to manage, operate, run a business

14) to buy into; buy out; take over a business


15) to get down to business

16) to go about one's business

17) to talk business


18) to mind one's (own) business

19) bad; dirty; funny; (colloq.) monkey business

20) company; personal; unfinished business


21) he has no business leaving so early ('he should not leave so early'); to know one's business ('to be competent in one's field'); to state one's business ('to explain what one is doing'); to mix business with pleasure ('to combine work and recreation'); to mean business ('to be serious about achieving one's ends'); to give smb. the business ('to deceive smb.'); it's none of your business ('the matter doesn't concern you')

* * *
(colloq.) monkey business
buy out
launch a business
picks up
run a business
show business
small business
take over a business
the travel business
unfinished business
wholesale business
business is at a standstill
it's none of your business ('the matter doesn't concern you')
to know one's business ('to be competent in one's field')
to mean business ('to be serious about achieving one's ends')
to mix business with pleasure ('to combine work and recreation')
to give smb. the business ('to deceive smb. ')
to state one's business ('to explain what one is doing')
drum up business (to do business with smb.)
['affairs'] to mind one's (own) business
['commerce'] ['trade'] to conduct
['firm'] to build up
['work'] to get down to business
a mail-order business
to buy into
to go about one's business
to go into business
to go out of business
to manage
to talk business
business drops off
business is brisk
['misc. '] he has no business leaving so early ('he should not leave so early')
in business (to be in business for oneself)
(AE) a land-office ('brisk') business (to do a land-office business in real estate)
on business (to travel on business)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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