- stigmatise
v. (D; tr.) to stigmatise as (to be stigmatised as a traitor)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.
v. (D; tr.) to stigmatise as (to be stigmatised as a traitor)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.
stigmatisé — stigmatisé, ée [ stigmatize ] adj. • 1752; « qui porte les marques de cicatrices » 1532; de stigmatiser ♦ Relig. Qui a reçu les stigmates (I, 1o). Un saint stigmatisé. ● stigmatisé, stigmatisée nom Personne marquée de stigmates semblables aux… … Encyclopédie Universelle
stigmatisé — stigmatisé, ée (stigh ma ti zé, zée) part. passé de stigmatiser. 1° Marqué d un stigmate. Marqué des stigmates de la crucifixion. Saint François stigmatisé. Substantivement. Les stigmatisés, nom donné à certains extatiques qui, par une… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
stigmatise — (Brit.) v. characterize something as disgraceful; mark with a stigma; brand or condemn as disgraceful; treat a person in an unjust manner by disapproving of him/her (also stigmatize) … English contemporary dictionary
stigmatise — /ˈstɪgmətaɪz/ (say stigmuhtuyz) verb (t) (stigmatised, stigmatising) 1. to mark with a stigma or brand. 2. to set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon: *Lane at a meeting on board the steamer said he would stigmatise as blacklegs everyone who… …
stigmatise — UK [ˈstɪɡmətaɪz] / US [ˈstɪɡməˌtaɪz] stigmatize … English dictionary
stigmatise — verb 1. to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful He denounced the government action She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock • Syn: ↑stigmatize, ↑brand, ↑denounce, ↑mark • Derivationally rela … Useful english dictionary
stigmatisée — ● stigmatisé, stigmatisée nom Personne marquée de stigmates semblables aux plaies de Jésus … Encyclopédie Universelle
stigmatised — stigmatise (Brit.) v. characterize something as disgraceful; mark with a stigma; brand or condemn as disgraceful; treat a person in an unjust manner by disapproving of him/her (also stigmatize) … English contemporary dictionary
stigmatises — stigmatise (Brit.) v. characterize something as disgraceful; mark with a stigma; brand or condemn as disgraceful; treat a person in an unjust manner by disapproving of him/her (also stigmatize) … English contemporary dictionary
stigmatising — stigmatise (Brit.) v. characterize something as disgraceful; mark with a stigma; brand or condemn as disgraceful; treat a person in an unjust manner by disapproving of him/her (also stigmatize) … English contemporary dictionary