
collective opinion as determined by voting

1) to take a vote on (a motion)

2) to put a motion to a vote; to bring a motion to a vote

3) to influence, swing a vote (recent events swung the vote in our favor; the press can influence the vote)

4) to count, tally the vote

5) a close; lopsided; solid; unanimous vote

6) a rising; straw; voice; write-in vote

7) a vote on (a vote on an issue)

8) (esp. BE) a vote to + inf. (we took a vote to adjourn)

9) by a vote (by a unanimous vote)

10) (misc.) a vote of censure; confidence; no-confidence; thanks

individual expression of opinion, ballot

11) to cast a vote

12) to change, switch one's vote

13) to get, receive smb.'s vote (you'll never get my vote)

14) the deciding vote (to cast the deciding vote)

15) a write-in vote

16) a vote against; for; on (to cast a vote for a proposal)

17) the votes to + inf. (we have enough votes to carry the state)

group of voters

18) the conservative; floating (BE) ('unattached'); independent; labor; liberal; undecided vote

voters as a group

19) to deliver the vote(s); to get out the vote (the party machine delivered the votes; a series of interesting debates helped to get out the vote)

20) a heavy; light vote

right to vote, franchise, suffrage

21) to get, receive the vote (in some countries women got the vote after World War I)


1) (C; usu. used without for) Congress voted him a pension

2) (D; intr.) to vote against; for (to vote against a bill)

3) (d; tr.) to vote into (to vote smb. into office)

4) (D; intr.) to vote on, upon (to vote on a resolution)

5) (d; tr.) to vote out of (to vote smb. out of office)

6) (E) the committee voted to approve the report

7) (L; subj.) Parliament voted that the allocation be/should be reduced

8) (N; used with an adjective, noun) she was voted the most likely to succeed

9) (misc.) to vote by a show of hands

* * *
light vote
switch one's vote
tally the vote
to bring a motion to a vote
unanimous vote
undecided vote
write-in vote
floating ('unattached'; BE)
receive the vote (in some countries women got the vote after World War I)
swing a vote (recent events swung the vote in our favor; the press can influence the vote)
to get out the vote (the party machine delivered the votes; a series of interesting debates helped to get out the vote)
on (to cast a vote for a proposal)
on (to cast a vote for a proposal)
for (to vote against a bill)
upon (to vote on a resolution)
receive smb. 's vote (you'll never get my vote)
(C; usu. used without for) Congress voted him a pension
(D; intr.) to vote against
(D; intr.) to vote on
(E) the committee voted to approve the report
(L; subj.) Parliament voted that the allocation be/should be reduced
(N; used with an adjective, noun) she was voted the most likely to succeed
(misc.) a vote of censure
(misc.) to vote by a show of hands
['group of voters'] the conservative
['individual expression of opinion, ballot'] to cast a vote
a close
a heavy
a rising
a write-in vote
a vote against
to change
to count
to get
to influence
to put a motion to a vote
['collective opinion as determined by voting'] to take a vote on (a motion)
a vote on (a vote on an issue)
by a vote (by a unanimous vote)
['voters as a group'] to deliver the vote (s)
the deciding vote (to cast the deciding vote)
(d; tr.) to vote into (to vote smb. into office)
(d; tr.) to vote out of (to vote smb. out of office)
the votes to + inf. (we have enough votes to carry the state)
(esp. BE) a vote to + inf. (we took a vote to adjourn)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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  • vote — [ vɔt ] n. m. • 1702; mot angl.; lat. votum → vœu 1 ♦ Opinion exprimée, dans une assemblée délibérante, un corps politique. ⇒ suffrage, voix. Compter les votes favorables à un projet. ♢ Suffrage, dans une élection. « Je lui enlèverai [...] les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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