
tube in the body

1) a blood vessel

ship, boat

2) to charter a vessel

3) to launch a vessel

4) a cargo; escort; oceangoing vessel

* * *
oceangoing vessel
['ship, boat'] to charter a vessel
['tube in the body'] a blood vessel
a cargo
to launch a vessel

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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  • Vessel — may refer to: * a boat, ship or starship * liquid or food vessel, such as a pitcher, bowl, cup or bottle * other kinds of packaging containers * a tubular structure of vascular tissue in plants such as xylem and phloemVessel may also refer to: *… …   Wikipedia

  • Vessel — Ves sel, n. [OF. vessel, veissel, vaissel, vaissiel, F. vascellum, dim. of vasculum, dim. of vas a vessel. Cf. {Vascular}, {Vase}.] 1. A hollow or concave utensil for holding anything; a hollow receptacle of any kind, as a hogshead, a barrel, a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vessel — concierto de Björk Publicación 2003 Grabación 1994 Royal Theatre, Londres Género …   Wikipedia Español

  • vessel — [ves′əl] n. [ME < OFr vaissel < LL vascellum, dim. of L vas, vessel] 1. a utensil for holding something, as a vase, bowl, pot, kettle, etc. 2. Bible a person thought of as being the receiver or repository of some spirit or influence [a… …   English World dictionary

  • Vessel — Разработчик Strange Loop Games Издатели Steam Дата выпуска 1 марта 2012 Жанр Платформер Платформа Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 …   Википедия

  • vessel — (n.) c.1300, container, from O.Fr. vessel (Fr. vaisseau) from L. vascellum small vase or urn, also a ship, dim. of vasculum, itself a dim. of vas vessel. Sense of ship, boat is found in English c.1300. The association between hollow utensils and… …   Etymology dictionary

  • vessel — ► NOUN 1) a ship or large boat. 2) a hollow container used to hold liquid. 3) a tube or duct conveying a fluid within an animal body or plant structure. 4) (in or alluding to biblical use) a person regarded as embodying a particular quality:… …   English terms dictionary

  • Vessel — Ves sel, v. t. To put into a vessel. [Obs.] Bacon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vessel — es un DVD lanzado al mercado en 2002 por la cantante y compositora islandesa Björk. Este DVD está formado por 11 canciones correspondientes al álbum Debut de 1993 que fueron grabadas en vivo en el recital del Royal Theatre, Londres en 1994. El… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • vessel — [n1] ship barge, bark, bateau, boat, bottom, bucket*, can*, craft, liner, ocean liner, steamer, tanker, tub*; concept 506 vessel [n2] container, bowl basin, kettle, pitcher, pot, receptacle, urn, utensil; concept 494 …   New thesaurus

  • vessel — ship, *boat, craft …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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