- verdict
- n.
1) to arrive at, reach a verdict
2) to announce; bring in, deliver, hand down, render, return a verdict
3) to sustain ('uphold') a verdict (the higher court sustained the verdict)
4) to overturn, quash, set aside a verdict
5) to appeal a verdict
6) a fair; unfair verdict
7) an adverse, unfavorable; directed; favorable; sealed verdict
8) a verdict of guilty; or: a guilty verdict; a verdict of not guilty; a verdict for the defendant; a verdict for the plaintiff (the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty)
9) a verdict that + clause (they appealed the court's verdict that fraud had been committed)
10) (misc.) to defy/ignore a verdict
* * *['vɜːdɪkt]a verdict for the defendanta verdict of not guiltydirectedor: a guilty verdictquashreach a verdictreturn a verdictsealed verdictset aside a verdictunfair verdictunfavorablea verdict for the plaintiff (the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty)(misc.) to defy/ignore a verdicta faira verdict of guiltyan adverseto announceto appeal a verdictto arrive atto overturnto sustain ('uphold') a verdict (the higher court sustained the verdict)a verdict that + clause (they appealed the court's verdict that fraud had been committed)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.