

/ju:s/ n.

1) to make use of

2) to put smt. to (good) use

3) to find a use for

4) to lose; regain the use of (she lost the use of one arm)

5) to deny (the) use of (the visitors were denied use of the library)

6) constant; daily; emergency; extensive; external; internal; official; practical; universal; wide use (they made extensive use of computers)

7) (legal) fair use

8) use for (do you have any use for this old paper?)

9) use in (is there any use in trying again?)

10) use of (what's the use of worrying?)

11) for use (for official use only)

12) in use (the copying machine is in use)

13) of use to (it was of no earthly use to us; can I be of any use to you?)

14) (misc.) she has no use for them ('she dislikes them'); to come into use; to go out of use

USAGE NOTE: The following constructions are variants; the constructions with no prepositions are colloquial--is there any use in trying again?--is there any use trying again? what's the use of worrying?--what's the use worrying?

/ju:z/ v.

1) to use widely

2) (D; tr.) to use as (she used the candlestick as a paperweight)

3) (D; tr.) to use for (let's use paper plates for the picnic)

4) (E; in positive sentences and neg. sentences with never this verb is used only in the past tense to denote a former practice or state; in interrogative sentences the infinitive of this verb occurs with didn't, did not) she used to work there; there used to be an open field here; she never used to work there; didn't he use to work here?

USAGE NOTE: In neg. sentences with didn't, did not, this verb occurs with the infinitive and, colloquially, with the past tense--she didn't use/used to work there. In old-fashioned BE, constructions such as the following may occur--used she (not) to work there? she used not to work there.
* * *
she never used to work there
there used to be an open field here
to come into use
to go out of use (USAGE NOTE: The following constructions are variants; the constructions with no prepositions are colloquial: is there any use in trying again?-is there any use trying again? what's the use of worrying? -what's the use worrying?)
regain the use of (she lost the use of one arm)
wide use (they made extensive use of computers)
(E; in positive sentences and neg, sentences with never this verb is used only in the past tense to denote a former practice or state; in interrogative sentences the infinitive of this verb occurs with didn't, did not) she used to work there
(legal) fair use
to find a use for
to lose
to make use of
to put smt. to (good) use
to use widely
(misc.) she has no use for them ('she dislikes them')
use for (do you have any use for this old paper?)
for use (for official use only)
use in (is there any use in trying again?)
of use to (it was of no earthly use to us; can I be of any use to you?)
(D; tr.) to use for (let's use paper plates for the picnic)
(D; tr.) to use as (she used the candlestick as a paperweight)
in use (the copying machine is in use)
to deny (the) use of (the visitors were denied use of the library)
use of (what's the use of worrying?)

Combinatory dictionary. 2013.

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