- ball
- In.game
1) to play ball
round object used in a sport2) to bat; bounce; catch; drop; fumble; hit; kick; throw a ball
3) a ball bounces
4) the ball is dead ('the ball does not bounce')
5) a cue; medicine ball
6) (BE) a punching ball (AE has punching bag)
7) a baseball; basketball; football; golf; tennis ball; volleyball
round mass8) a cotton ball
9) in a ball (to curl up in a ball)
glass object used in fortune telling10) a crystal ball
misc.11) to start the ball rolling ('to begin an activity'); (colloq.) on the ball ('efficient'); (AE) to play ball with ('to cooperate with')
IIn.formal dance1) to have, organize a ball
2) a costume; fancy-dress; inaugural; masked ball
3) at a ball (to dance at a ball)
4) (misc.) (esp. AE; colloq.) to have a ball ('to enjoy oneself')
* * *[bɔːl]fancy-dressinauguralmasked ballmedicine ballorganize a balltennis ballthrow a ball(colloq.) on the ball ('efficient')(AE) to play ball with ('to cooperate with')['formal dance'] to have['game'] to play ball['glass object used in fortune telling'] a crystal ball['round mass'] a cotton ball['round object used in a sport'] to bata baseballa costumea cuea ball bouncesthe ball is dead ('the ball does not bounce')['misc. '] to start the ball rolling ('to begin an activity')(misc.) (esp. AE; colloq.) to have a ball ('to enjoy oneself)(BE) a punching ball (AE has punching bag)in a ball (to curl up in a ball)at a ball (to dance at a ball)
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.