- drop
- In.fall
1) a sharp; sheer; sudden drop
2) a drop in (a sharp drop in the interest rate)
depository3) a mail drop
IIv.1) (A; used without to) ('to write') drop me a line when you get there
2) (d; intr.) ('to lag') to drop behind (he dropped behind the other runners)
3) (D; intr., tr.) ('to fall; to let fall') to drop from (the book dropped from her hand; his name was dropped from the list)
4) (d; intr., tr.) ('to fall; to let fall') to drop into (the stone dropped into the water; I dropped a coin into the slot)
5) (D; tr.) ('to let fall') to drop on, to (she dropped a book on the floor)
6) (d; intr.) to drop out of ('to abandon') (to drop of school)
7) (d; intr.) to drop out of ('to disappear') (to drop out of sight)
8) (D; intr.) ('to fall') to drop to (prices dropped to the lowest point in a year; everyone dropped to the ground)
9) (misc.) to drop dead
* * *[drɒp]sheersuddendropto (she dropped a book on the floor)(A; used without to) ('to write') drop me a line when you get there(D; tr.) ('to let fall') to drop on(misc.) to drop dead['depository'] a mail drop['fall'] a sharpain (a sharp drop in the interest rate)(d; intr.) ('to lag') to drop behind (he dropped behind the other runners)(D; intr.) ('to fall') to drop to (prices dropped to the lowest point in a year; everyone dropped to the ground)(D; intr., tr.) ('to fall; to let fall') to drop from (the book dropped from her hand; his name was dropped from the list)(d; intr., tr.) ('to fall; to let fall') to drop into (the stone dropped into the water; I dropped a coin into the slot)(d; intr.) to drop out of (to drop of school; 'to abandon')(d; intr.) to drop out of (to drop out of sight; 'to disappear')
Combinatory dictionary. 2013.