set of steps

  • 121BERNINI, Gian Lorenzo — (1598 1680)    Gian Lorenzo Bernini, the best known Italian architect of the Baroque era, was born during the time of the Counter Reformation and became the major architect in the revitalization of the city of Rome after the establishment of… …

    Historical Dictionary of Architecture

  • 122stair — W3S2 [steə US ster] n ↑banister, ↑stair, ↑step [: Old English; Origin: stAger] 1.) stairs [plural] a set of steps built for going from one level of a building to another →↑upstairs, downstairs ↑downstairs up/down the stairs …

    Dictionary of contemporary English

  • 123stair*/*/ — [steə] noun 1) stairs [plural] a set of steps that allow you to go from one level of a building to another I climbed the stairs to Charles s office.[/ex] John raced down the stairs to answer the door.[/ex] Someone was waiting at the top of the… …

    Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • 124OMTROLL — OMTROLL[1] basically is an Object oriented modeling idea that has been formulated by combining the traditional Object Modelling Approaches(OMT) and the formal specifications of the TROLL language. OMTROLL was basically created so as to: exploit… …


  • 125Major scale — Major scales In music theory, the major scale or Ionian scale is one of the diatonic scales. It is made up of seven distinct notes, plus an eighth which duplicates the first an octave higher. In solfege these notes correspond to the syllables Do …


  • 126Well of Souls — The Well of Souls (Arabic: Bir el Arweh ) is the name of a natural cave located immediately beneath the Sakhrah (the Foundation Stone) in the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In addition to a small well shaped hole in the stone… …


  • 127Interaction design — (IxD) is the discipline of defining the behavior of products and systems that a user can interact with. The practice typically centers around complex technology systems such as software, mobile devices, and other electronic devices. However, it… …


  • 128Stepwell — Stepwells, also called bawdi (Hindi:बावड़ी) or baoli ( [Hindi:बावली), are in essence wells in which the water can be reached by descending a set of steps. They may be covered and protected, and are often of architectural significance. It can be… …
